German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

News of Experimental Interaction Ecology

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Life strategies of a multitude of soil faunal taxa can affect the formation of organic matter in soil.  › more

17.06.2024 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

New study in Nature Communications  › more

13.06.2024 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Physiological Diversity, iDiv Members, Biodiversity Economics

Nico Eisenhauer was admitted to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.  › more

18.04.2024 | iDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

New study on the link between biodiversity and climate  › more

13.12.2023 | iDiv Members, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Study reveals natural solution to mitigate effects of climate change  › more

06.12.2023 | Research, iDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Surprisingly far-reaching impacts of light pollution  › more

30.10.2023 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Theory in Biodiversity Science

DFG to fund Research Unit  › more

10.10.2023 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

New study published in Science Advances  › more

09.10.2023 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Immediate protection measures are required to safeguard invertebrate communities and critical ecosystem services.  › more

26.09.2023 | iDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS

Novel framework allows for a more effective management of soils as carbon sinks  › more

15.06.2023 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Biodiversity–stability relationships strengthen over time in a long-term grassland experiment  › more

13.01.2023 | Media Release, iDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS

New study published in Nature  › more

12.10.2022 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS

New experts survey considerably extends the global biodiversity knowledge by underrepresented species groups and regions  › more

18.07.2022 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Drought-exposure history improves the recovery of grassland communities from subsequent drought  › more

09.06.2022 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Novel concept helps managing soils as a carbon sink  › more

11.05.2022 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS

Researchers recommend taking underappreciated factors for biodiversity loss into account  › more

30.03.2022 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology

New workshop report on climate and biodiversity offers guidelines for pioneering policies  › more

10.06.2021 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members

Award will give research collaboration with iDiv an extra boost.  › more

12.04.2021 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Global change alters microbial life in soils - and thereby its ecological functions  › more

24.02.2021 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Researchers call for greater consideration of soil biodiversity and functions in international conservation strategies  › more

14.01.2021 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, GEO BON, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members

Most important German research award  › more

10.12.2020 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Species-rich plant communities help to naturally reduce herbivore impacts.  › more

06.11.2020 | Theory in Biodiversity Science, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, TOP NEWS

Research group of iDiv and Jena University uses novel research method to study effect of insect decline on plant biodiversity  › more

26.10.2020 | Research, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members, iDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Biodiversity experiment provides new insights into the relationship between plant traits and ecosystem functions  › more

07.10.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Findings from experimental sites are reliable.  › more

24.08.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, iDiv Members, Research, TOP NEWS

Diversity of soil organisms has key role in the carbon cycle.  › more

04.08.2020 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS

Only few studies investigate soil biodiversity in tropical and subtropical regions.  › more

03.08.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, MLU News, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Research, iDiv

As a result of climate change, soil animals are getting smaller, and their numbers are falling due to intensive land use  › more

28.07.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, UFZ News, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members

Scientists develop global map of future risk areas for plant diseasesBased on a media release by Pablo de Olavide University Sevilla Sevilla / Leipzig / Halle. Global warming will increase the…  › more

11.05.2020 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS, sDiv

Global climate change could alter earthworm communities worldwide.  › more

24.10.2019 | sDiv, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grants 5 million euros for novel approach to investigate mechanisms underlying biodiversity and ecosystem functions at Jena Experiment  › more

30.09.2019 | TOP NEWS, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, Media Release

Open-access journal follows exceptionally fair approach  › more

20.08.2019 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
In the experiment, extensively managed grasslands were either moderately mown or grazed by sheep (photo: Julia Siebert).

Soil activity decreases nevertheless  › more

11.04.2019 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members

Research team evaluates global biodiversity data – with surprising resultsLeipzig. After conducting comprehensive studies, an international team of researchers led by Leipzig University and the iDiv…  › more

13.03.2019 | iDiv Members, GEO BON, Biodiversity Conservation, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, sDiv, TOP NEWS

More living organisms on our bodies and in our homes could help in combatting diseases - if we let them live  › more

21.01.2019 | sDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Original illustration of the article in Frontiers for Young Minds (picture: Frontiers for Young Minds).

iDiv scientists explain research on tropical arthropods in journal for young readers  › more

23.12.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
The Jena experiment, a grassland biodiversity experiment in Germany. Photo: Anne Ebeling, FSU

Study from 39 grassland experiments published in Nature Ecology and Evolution  › more

27.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, sDiv

Newly discovered dispersal strategy for mites  › more

04.07.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Mites and pauropods are common animals in the soil, but data on their diversity is lacking. (Photo: Andy Murray)

Data on soil biodiversity is lacking from large regions of the world, new sDiv study finds.  › more

05.06.2018 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Study questions assumptions on mechanisms underlying warming feedback.  › more

21.12.2017 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The „Jena Experiment“ (Photo: Christoph Scherber)

Media release about the ‘Jena Experiment’  › more

28.11.2017 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
Heating elements used to warm one of the forest plots in Minnesota, U.S.A. Plots are also warmed belowground using heating cables (photo: Benjamin Schwarz).

... and even more so when tree logging and drought occur at the same time  › more

10.11.2017 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Theory in Biodiversity Science
Grassland and forest biodiversity experiments: grassland experiment from the Jena Biodiversity experiment (Germany, left) and  forest experiment from the Sardinilla Experiment (Panama, right). Photos: Anja Vogel (FSU Jena) & Nathaly R. Guerrero-Ramírez (iDiv/ Leipzig University)

new study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution  › more

10.10.2017 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Participants of the summer school during an excursion to the Bad Lauchstädt field site (photo: Volker Hahn).

From 3-15 September, the 3rd iDiv Summer School 2017 on “Synthesising and modelling biodiversity data” took place.  › more

15.09.2017 | TOP NEWS, yDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology

paper of iDiv summer school published  › more

04.09.2017 | yDiv, iDiv, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS
Experimental meadow plots with heating lamps (photo: Jacob Miller).

In meadows with high plant species richness, nematode communities cope better with warming.  › more

14.07.2017 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release

Exploring different aspects of biodiversity  › more

16.06.2017 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv

The iDiv Ecotron will provide insights into interactions among species.  › more

17.05.2017 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS
The larger prey species used in the experiment, the springtail Folsomia candida (Photo: Andy Murray).

An experiment shows how rising temperatures change interactions between species.  › more

06.04.2017 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology
The predatory soil centipedes can be found worldwide (Photo: Sarah Zieger).

In a commentary in Nature Ecology and Evolution, scientists from iDiv and Leipzig University call for initiatives to fill knowledge gaps  › more

24.03.2017 | TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology
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