There is no sDiv call running at this time.

Please find below the funding decions of the previous calls.

Calls for sDiv working groups, sDiv postdocs and iDiv sabbaticals will be announced once to twice a year. The synthesis projects foster integrative and synthetic research collaborations among international scientists, iDiv core and member groups by analysing and synthesising existing knowledge, data, theories and hypotheses to produce new insights. If you are interested in contributing to one of our working groups, feel free to contact the Head of sDiv, Dr Marten Winter.

Decisions for twelth sDiv Call

Within the latest call, sDiv has received 11 pre-proposals for early career working groups and 22 pre-proposals for SynFlex projects. 3 applicants for early career working groups as well as 10 applicants for SynFlex projects received a positive evaluation of their pre-proposal and were invited to hand in a full proposal.

After intensive discussions of the internal and external reviews of proposals of very high scientific quality, the sDiv Evaluation Board has decided to support 1 early career working groups, 8 SynFlex projects.

Congratulations to our new sDiv working groups and future sDiv collaborators!

Funded early career working groups

ECR12.02 sNext
Nuria Galiana, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), ESP
Juan David González-Trujillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, COL

Funded SynFlex projects

SF12.02 sRealBioFun
Yuxin Chen, Xiamen University, CHN
Donald Waller, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA

SF12.03 sMacrobehaviour
Sally Keith, Lancaster University, GB
Katharine Marske, University of Oklahoma, USA

SF12.04 sMacroS
Anton Potapov, Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz, DEU
Nico Eisenhauer, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, DEU

SF12.05 sRED
Jean-Philippe Lessard, Concordia University, CAN
Katie Marshall, University of British Columbia, CAN

Victor Maus, Vienna University of Economics and Business, AUT
Arildo Dias, Goethe-University Frankfurt, DEU

SF12.08 sTREND
Hervé Jactel, Institut national de la recherche agronomique , FRA
Simone Mereu, National Research Council of Italy - Institute for BioEconomy, ITA

Amanda Subalusky, University of Florida, USA
Elizabeth le Roux, Aarhus University, DNK
Angélica González, Rutgers University, USA

Emily Massingham, University of Queensland, AUS
Hugh Possingham, University of Queensland, AUS


Previous calls

Decisions for sDiv Postdoc Call 2013

Following our latest Postdoc Call, sDiv has received has received 27 proposals for individual postdoc projects (Call A) and 10 proposals for postdocs for already funded sDiv projects (Call B). We received many proposals of very high scientific quality and exciting new ideas. After intense discussions of  the sDiv Board and the given limitations of our budget in 2024, it was decided to support two individual postdocs and two postdocs associated with an already funded sDiv project.

Congratulations to our new sDiv postdocs - we are very much looking forward to welcome you to our team!

Funded individual postdoc:

Anne-Céline Granjon
Title: "Unraveling the relationship between genetic diversity, the latitudinal gradient in biodiversity, and life-history strategies"
Involved iDiv Members: Michael Gerth, Chloé Schmidt and Jonathan Chase

Ana Carolina Antunes
Title: "AmazonFlux: exploring human impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across the Amazon forest"
Involved iDiv Members: Ulrich Brose, Henrique Pereira, Carsten Meyer,
Associated member: Talita Ferreira Amado

Funded postdoc associated to an already funded sDiv project:

Karl Andraczek
TItle: "Belowground plant strategies predict ecosystem functioning under climate change"
Associated with the sDiv working group sUnderfoot
Involved iDiv Member: Alexandra Weigelt, Helge Bruelheide

Clara María Arboleda Baena
TItle: "Comparative Analysis of Microbial Communities in the Global North and South: Exploring the Interplay between Data Availability and Mechanisms of Community Assembly Across Biomes"
Associated with the sDiv working group sIBTEDS
Involved iDiv Member: Birgitta König-Ries
Associated members: Stephanie Jurburg, Christian Ristok

Decisions for eleventh sDiv Call

Within the latest call, sDiv has received 15 pre-proposals for early career working groups and 13 pre-proposals for SynFlex projects. 6 applicants for early career working groups as well as 7 applicants for SynFlex projects received a positive evaluation of their pre-proposal and were invited to hand in a full proposal.

After intensive discussions of the internal and external reviews of proposals of very high scientific quality, the sDiv Evaluation Board has decided to support 4 early career working groups, 4 SynFlex projects. 1 SynFlex Project has to resubmit is proposal - the decision will be made in August 2023.

Congratulations to our new sDiv working groups and future sDiv collaborators!

Funded early career working groups

ECR11.01 sFutures
Magda Garbowski, University of Wyoming, USA
Emma Ladouceur, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany

ECR11.02 sPectra
Shan Kothari, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Teja Kattenborn, Leipzig University, Germany

ECR11.03 sConsume
Fletcher Halliday, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Suz Everingham, University of Bern, Switzerland
Mayank Kohli, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India

ECR11.05 sFragment
Andres Felipe Suarez Castro, Griffith University, Australia


Funded SynFlex projects

SF11.01 sTime
Pincelli Hull, Yale University, USA
Erin Saupe, University of Oxford, UK
Marina Rillo, University of Oldenburg, Germany

SF11.03 sBombus
Brian Spiesman, Kansas State University, USA
Tiffany Knight, German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, Germany
Christina Grozinger, Penn State University, USA 

SF11.04 sSCAT
Alta De Vos, Centre for Sustainability Transitions, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Graeme Cumming, James Cook University, Australia

Christopher Monk, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
SynFlex project invited for a resubmission

Stephanie Jurburg, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research-UFZ(Leipzig), Germany
Silvia Garaycochea, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agricola (INIA), Uruguay
Eva Figuerola,University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina

Decisions for tenth sDiv Call

Following our 10th Call, sDiv has received 13 pre-proposals for early career working groups and 16 pre-proposals for SynFlex projects. 4 applicants for early career working groups as well as 6 applicants for SynFlex projects received a positive evaluation of their pre-proposal and were invited to submit a full proposal.

After intensive discussions of the internal and external reviews of proposals of very high scientific quality, the sDiv Evaluation Board has decided to support 1 early career working groups, 4 SynFlex projects. 1 ECR Project has to resubmit is proposal - the decision will be made mid of November 2022.

Congratulations to our new sDiv working groups and future sDiv collaborators!

Funded early career working groups

sMoste – Motifs supporting STability of Ecosystem services
main PIs:
Kate Wootton, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Anshuman Swain, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA

Funded SynFlex projects

sGUBIK – Synthesizing Global Urban Biological Invasion Knowledge (sGUBIK): Patterns, Mechanisms, and Applications
main PIs:
Luke Potgieter, University of Toronto Scarborough, Scarborough, Canada
Daijiang Li, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA

sUnderfoot – Functional diversity of belowground plant strategies in a rapidly changing world
main PIs:
Joana Bergmann, Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany
Alessandra Fidelis, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Paulo, Brasil

sCaleGrassDiv – Do the mechanisms of land-use effects on grassland plant diversity depend on spatial scales and environmental contexts?
main PIs:
Anna Kuzemko, Institute of Botany NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Oksana Buzhdygan, Theoretical Ecology Group, Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

sELOdiv – sELOdiv: Synthesising Ecosystem and Land cover Observations and biodiversity change after abandonment and depopulation
main PIs:
Gergana Daskalova, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
Sylvia Dyulgerova, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Decisions for ninth sDiv Call

Following our 9th Call, sDiv has received 32 pre-proposals for individual postdoc positions and 16 pre-proposals for early career working groups. 21 pre-proposals for SynFlexWorld projects have been submitted and 5 for SynFlexMember projects. 9 applicants for individual postdoc positions and 8 for early career working groups as well as 14 applicants for SynFlexWorld and 5 for SynFlexMember projects have received a positive evaluation of their pre-proposal and have been invited to hand in a full proposal.

Despite the very challenging work and research situation due to the global Corona crisis, sDiv received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After intense discussions of the internal and external reviews, the sDiv Evaluation Board decided to support 3 early career working groups, 3 individual postdoc positions, 3 SynFlexWorld and 2 SynFlexMember projects. Congratulations to our new sDiv working groups and future sDiv postdocs. Please see the detailed list below.


Funded early career working groups

sMarsSynthesis of movement across scales: towards a process-based prediction of biodiversity patterns
main PIs:
Remo Ryser, iDiv, Leipzig, Germany
Myriam Hirt, iDiv, Leipzig, Germany

sEnigmasSeeing the forest instead of the trees: identifying the common mechanisms behind enigmas of biodiversity
main PIs:
Isaac Overcast, Institut de Biologie de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, France
Ana C. Afonso Silva, Université de Lille, France

sPSFSoil microbial controls over plant coexistence: synthesizing data and theory to unravel context dependence of plant-soil feedbacks under global change
main PIs:
Gaurav Kandlikar, The Curators of the University of Missouri - Columbia, USA
Meghna Krishnadas, Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India


Funded individual postdocs projects

Sreetama Bhadra
The impact of genome size on traits, adaptability and diversification in angiosperms

Alexandra Weyrich
sInSpEc: Inter-species epigenetics

Daniela Hoss
Understanding the role of community assembly in BEF experiments by comparing seeding and planting with removal treatments


Funded SynFlexWorld projects

sIntESEIntegrating ecosystem services into economic models
main PIs:
Alexandra Marques, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Netherlands
Aafke Schipper, Radboud University, Netherlands

main PIs:
Jerome Mathieu, Sorbonne University, France
Nico Eisenhauer, iDiv, Leipzig, Germany

sILKSynthesizing Indigenous and Local Knowledge worldviews to develop frameworks for effective operationalization of relational values in environmental governance
main PIs:
Austin Himes, Mississippi State University, USA
Barbara Muraca, University of Oregon, USA


Funded SynFlexMember projects

sReStoReSRestoration Synthesis to Reimagine Success
main PIs:
Emma Ladouceur, iDiv, Leipzig, Germany
Jonathan Chase, iDiv, Leipzig, Germany

sINTERVALINTERaction Variation along ALtitudinal gradients
main PIs:
Tiffany Knight, iDiv, Leipzig, Germany

Decisions for eighth sDiv call

Following our 8th Call, sDiv has received 26 pre-proposals for individual Postdoc positions and 45 pre-proposals for working group. 11 applicants for individual PostDoc positions and 26 for working groups have received a positive evaluation of their pre-proposal and have been invited to hand in a full proposal.

Despite the very challenging work situation during the last months, sDiv received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After intense discussions of the internal and external reviews, the sDiv Evaluation Board decided to support 7 working groups including 2 working group postdocs (plus partial funding for 2 more groups), 3 individual postdoc positions and 3 sabbatical fellowships. Congratulations to our new sDiv working groups, future sDiv postdocs and guests. Please see the list below (we present only 100% verified projects at this point).

Funded working groups projects*

sPriorityMechanisms and Quantification of Priority Effects
main PIs:
Benjamin Delory, Institute of Ecology, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Tadashi Fukami,Stanford University, California, USA

sRedListAccelerating IUCN Red List assessments for rapid and effective biodiversity monitoring
main PIs:
Luca Santini, National Research Council (Italy)
Moreno Di Marco, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)

sTradES Ecosystem services, biodiversity and anthropogenic capital embedded in internationally traded goods
main PIs:
C.J.E. (Nynke) Schulp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Thomas Kastner, Senckenberg Institute, Frankfurt

sTreTra – Quantifying temporal change in traits across taxa and the globe
main PIs:
Franziska Schrodt, University of Nottingham
Maria Dornelas, University of St Andrews

sTraits – Integrating in-situ, upscaled and air- and spaceborne observations of plant traits
main PIs:
Philip A. Townsend, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ryan Pavlick, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

partial funding
sMile synthesising plant Metabolomics into biodiversity, Life history & Ecology
main PIs:
Tom Walker, ETH Zürich
Franziska Schrodt, University of Nottingham

partial funding
sPrint - Working out the mechanics of predator-prey interactions to predict the present and future of biodiversity in food webs
main PI:
Mehdi Cherif, Umeå University

* Due to budgetary and other uncertainties caused by Corona, we can only announce the potential start of the working group projects in fall, but hope to welcome the new groups soon.


Funded individual postdocs projects

Juan D. Carvajal-Quintero
Assessing the effects of global environmental change on species interaction networks

Chris Barratt
Life on the edge: A new bioinformatic toolbox to conserve wildlife populations under threat from global change

Adriana Alzate Vallejo
Untangling the macro-ecological and evolutionary drivers of species range sizes and diversification rates

Funded sabbatical projects

Cynthia Chang
Placing ecological succession in applied global change and restoration context
Host: Stan Harpole

Erik Hom
Of Sloths and Franken-Lichens: Elucidating the Biodiversity, Chemical Ecology, and Physiology of Algal Polycultures
Host: Nicole van Dam

Michael Kaspari
Exploring the abiotic theatre and the ecological play: how biogeochemistry temperature, and precipitation shape terrestrial food webs
Hosts: Ulrich Brose, Stan Harpole, Nico Eisenhauer

Decisions for Joint Call CESAB - sDiv SYNERGY: Coexistence and stability high-diversity communities

Decisions on joint CESAB and sDiv Call

CESAB and sDiv are the synthesis centers of the French FRB (Foundation for Research on Biodiversity) and German iDiv (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research). These two centers offer to host groups of researchers to work on a better use of existing data, information and knowledge to foster theoretical, and synthetic thinking in biodiversity research.

In the joint call called “synergy”  two theory driven groups of 5-7 researchers (4 meetings per group) were funded, that will share their meetings between the two centers.

The main topic is “Coexistence and stability in high-diversity communities”.


Funded working groups:

UNICOP - Unification of modern Coexistence theory and Price equation
DUTHIE, A. Bradley, University of Stirling
LION, Sébastien, Centre d'Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive (CEFE) - Montpellier

INTRACO - Unravelling the role of intraspecific variability in tree specied coexsistence in tropical forest
VIEILLEDENT Ghislain, UMR AMAP – CIRAD Montpellier
MARECHAUX Isabelle,UMR AMAP – CIRAD Montpellier

Decisions for seventh sDiv call

Following our seventh sDiv call, we received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After discussion of the internal and external reviews, the sDiv Board decided to fund 6 working groups, 1 individual postdoc position and 3 sabbatical positions as followed:

Funded working groups projects

sBIOMAPS – Exploring BIOgeographic and MAcroevolutionary Patterns in organismal Stoichiometric diversity
main PIs: Angelica Gonzalez, Olivier Dézerald

sCom – Advancing inference for eDNA and other novel, high-throughput community data
main PIs: Florian Hartig, Douglas Yu

sCoRRE – Assessing functional consequences of community changes with global change using trait-based and phylogenetic approaches
main PIs: Meghan Avolio, Kimberly La Pierre

sDevTrait – streamlining development efforts in tools for ecological trait analyses
main PIs: Alexander Keller, Markus Ankenbrand

sToration – Applying Coexistence Theory to Restoration Ecology and Adaptive Management
main PIs: Lauren Shoemaker, Lauren Hallett and Akasha Faist

sUCCESS – Pantropical forest succession
main PIs: Lourens Poorter, Nadja Rüger

Funded individual postdocs projects

Roberto Rozzi
The demise of dwarfs and giants: ecological naiveté and extinction risk in insular vertebrates

Funded sabbaticals projects

George Perry (School of Environment, University of Auckland)
Reconstructing movement and emergent ecological functions for extinct animals

Lenore Fahrig (Carleton University)
Dissecting SLOSS: Why are there more species in several small than few large patches?

Malin Pinsky (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Community response to changing temperatures  across marine, freshwater, and terrestrial realms

Decisions for sixth sDiv call

Following our sixth sDiv call, we received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After discussion of the internal and external reviews, the sDiv Board decided to fund 7 working groups including 1 postdoc, 2 individual postdoc positions and 9 sabbatical positions as followed:

Funded working groups projects

sANDES – Tree Diversity, Composition and Carbon Storage in Andean Tropical Montane Forests
main PIs: Luis Cayuela, Manuel J. Macía

sCaleWebs – Unifying environmental and spatial determinants of food web structure across spatial scales
main PIs: Gustavo Q Romero, Diane S Srivastava

sREplot – Upscaling of individual species dynamics to community trends in biodiversity and composition using vegetation change data sets
main PIs: Lander Baeten; Markus Bernhardt-Römermann; Ute Jandt

sROOT – Root Trait functionality in a Whole-Plant Context
main PIs: Liesje Mommer; Alexandra Weigelt

sTraitChange – How do trait responses to climate change translate into demographic rates and population dynamics?
main PIs: Viktoriia Radchuk, Marcel E. Visser

sTreelines – Spatial pattern emergence from ecological processes at alpine treelines: model-supported hypothesis tests against globally-distributed field data
main PIs: Maaike Bader, Bradley Case

sTWIST – Theory and Workflows for Alien and Invasive Species Tracking
main PIs: Melodie McGeoch, Marten Winter

sUrBio2050 – Assessing globally important areas for biodiversity preservation and human well-being
main PIs: Thomas Elmqvist, Henrique Pereira
associated postdoc: TBA

sYNGEO – The geography of synchrony in dendritic networks: understanding the causes, dynamics, and consequences across multiple scales
main PIs: Julian D Olden, Lise Comte

Funded individual postdocs projects

Stephanie Jurburg
Microbial community assembly: establishing general ecological principles responsible for turnover in microbial communities

Alexander Zizka
Reaching for the sky: Unravelling global patterns and processes to explain convergent evolution of woodiness in angiosperms

Funded sabbaticals projects

Priyanga Amarasekare (University of California Los Angeles)
A framework for biodiversity maintenance: scaling up from modules to communities

Stephanie Bohlman (University of Florida)
Linking biodiversity and demography through remote sensing of trait tradeoffs

Douglas Chesters (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Phylogenetic integration of insect community data

Rodolfo Dirzo (Stanford University)
Research on plant-herbivore interactions under climate change and collaborations on biodiversity science

Christopher Klausmeier (Michigan State University)
Synthesizing Trait-Based Ecological Theory

Jeremy Lichstein (University of Florida)
Plant functional diversity and forest ecosystem stability: insights from dynamic vegetation models

Elena Litchman (Michigan State University)
Trait-based community patterns in microbes

Fernando T. Maestre (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Climate change impacts on dryland soil biodiversity and associated ecosystem functions from local to global scales

Pati Vitt (Chicago Botanic Garden)
Phylogenetic Endemism, Functional Trait Diversity and Conservation Status in the Orchidaceae: a Global Synthesis

Decisions for fifth sDiv call

Following our fifth sDiv call, we received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After discussion of the internal and external reviews, the sDiv Board decided to fund 6 working groups, 2 individual postdoc positions and 3 sabbatical positions.

Funded working groups

sEcoEvo - Biodiversity Dynamics – The Nexus Between Space & Time
main PIs: Rosemary Gillespie; Michael Hickerson

sELDiG - Explaining the latitudinal diversity gradient: synthesizing knowledge via data-driven mechanistic modelling
main PIs: Allen Hurlbert; Catherine Graham

sLandServ - Linking Landscape Structure to Ecosystem Services
main PI’s: Jonathan Rhodes; Jean Paul Metzger

sOcioLock-in - Understanding the undesirable resilience in socio-ecological systems driving biodiversity loss
main PIs: Tom Oliver; Emily Boyd

sTURN - Does time drive space? Building a mechanistic linkage between spatial and temporal turnover in metacommunities
main PIs: Zsófia Horváth; Robert Ptacnik

sUrBioCity - Deciphering Drivers of Urban Biodiversity across Multiple Scales
main PI: Christopher Swan

Funded individual postdocs

Léa Beaumelle
How do multiple environmental change drivers shape biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships?

Roel van Klink
Effects of extreme weather events on long term ecosystem dynamics (X-WELT)

Funded sabbatical projects

Robert R. Dunn
The Global Biogeography of Microbes and Mutualists Associated with Humans

Benjamin Gilbert
Project 1 – Neutrality, Demographic stochasticity and ecological drift
Project 2 – Local interactions, Regional constraints, and multiple stable states

Angélica L. González
Understanding the interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on ecological processes: a meta-analysis

Decisions for sDiv call for catalyst postdocs

Following our sDiv call for catalyst postdocs, we received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After discussion of the internal reviews, the sDiv Board decided to fund three postdoc positions.

Funded catalyst postdocs

Adam Thomas Clark (Postdoc)
Stanley Harpole (PI professor), Helmut Hillebrand (PI member)
sMultiMod: Synthesis of multiple predictive models of community composition and coexistence

Guy Pe'er (Postdoc)
Aletta Bonn (PI professor), Bernd Hansjürgens (PI member), Irene Ring (Co-PI member)
Towards the next reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy: evaluating the new greening measures from Ecological and Socio-economic perspectives

Callum Lawson (Postdoc)
Ulrich Brose (PI professor), Katrin Böhning-Gaese (PI member)
Double jeopardy: which populations will become both smaller and less stable under climate change?

Decisions for fourth sDiv call

Following our fourth sDiv call, we received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After discussion of the internal and external reviews, the sDiv Board decided to fund ten working groups, two individual postdoc positions and one sabbatical position.

Funded working groups

sECURE - Separating Environmental Changes and their effects on community traits in European butterflies
main PI's: Oliver Schweiger, Josef Settele

sPRED - Synthesizing Predictability Research of Ecological Dynamics
main PI's: Frank Pennekamp, Alison Iles

sToichNutNet II - Linking ecological stoichiometry with environment-diversity-productivity relationships in grasslands
main PI's: Elizabeth Borer, Anne Ebeling

sFDvent - A functional trait perspective on the global biodiversity of hydrothermal vent communities
main PI's: Amanda Bates, Abbie Chapman

sMonodominance - Monodominance workshop
main PI's: Andreas Huth, Kelvin Peh

sAPROPOS - Analysis of PROjections of POpulationS
main PI: Roberto Salguero-Gomez

sTeleBES - Telecoupled use of biodiversity and ecosystem services: synthesis of concepts, methods and evidence
main PI's: Matthias Schröter, Thomas Koellner

sCAP - Testing the conservation value of phylogenetic diversity
main PI's: Arne Mooers, Caroline M. Tucker

sWORM - A global soil biodiversity database and its application to data synthesis and theory development
main PI's: Erin Cameron, Nico Eisenhauer

sPlot - Plant trait-environment relationships, biodiversity and invasion patterns across the world's biomes
main PI's: Jürgen Dengler, Oliver Purschke

Funded individual postdocs

Duarte S. Viana
Spatial scaling in the assembly and diversity of biological communities

Katharina Gerstner
From plots to landscapes – Towards a mechanistic understanding of land-use effects on biodiversity across spatial scales

Funded sabbatical project

David Currie
A continental theory of biogeography: predicting geographic variation in species richness and range size

Decisions for third sDiv call

Following our third sDiv call, we received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After discussion of the internal reviews, the sDiv Committee decided to fund nine international workshops and two individual Postdoc projects:

Workshop projects:

"Quantifying biodiversity change through time (sChange)”
main applicants: Sarah R. Supp  (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Maria Dornelas (University of St. Andrews)

"Towards understanding the causes and consequences of epigenetic diversity (sEpiDiv)”
main applicants: Katrin Heer and Lars Opgenoorth (both University of Marburg

"Scaling shrub expansion from site to biome Manuscript finalization working group" (sTUNDRA II)"
main applicants: Isla H. Myers-Smith (University of Edinburgh) and Anne Bjorkman (iDiv)

"Global Changes in Marine Plankton Diversity and Productivity (sMarD)"
main applicants: Aleksandra M. Lewandowska (University of Oldenburg) and Boris Worm (Dalhousie University)

"Community Assembly and the Functioning of Ecosystems in Open Systems (sCAFE)"
main applicants: S.K. Morgan Ernest (Utah State University) and Mathew Leibold (University of Texas at Austin)

"Synthesis on Pollen Limitation and Terrestrial biodiversity (sPlat)"
main applicants: Tiffany Knight (Washington University, iDiv), Tia-Lynn Ashman (University of Pittsburgh) and Janette Steets (Oklahoma State University)

"Linking ecological stoichiometry with environment‐diversity‐productivity relationships in grasslands (sToichNutNet)"
main applicants: Elizabeth Borer (University of Minnesota) and Anne Ebeling (University of Jena)

"Expanding Neo-Chessonian coexistence theory towards a stochastic theory for species rich communities (sNiche)"
main applicants: Thorsten Wiegand (UFZ) and Stan W. Harpole (iDiv)

"Functional Information: its potential for quantifying biodiversity and its relation to ecosystem functioning. Function, Information and Biodiversity (sFIND)"
main applicants: Keith Farnsworth (Queen’s University Belfast) and Ivo Große (University of Halle/ Saale)

Individual postdoc projects:

"Drivers of plant diversity across spatiotemporal scales: integrating ecological, evolutionary and environmental processes”
Postdoc: Juliano Sarmento Cabral (University of Göttingen)

"Assessing extinction: Crossover of geometrical, macroecological and Bayesian perspectives”
Postdoc: Petr Keil (Charles University in Prague)

Decisions for second sDiv call

Following our second sDiv call, we received many proposals of very high scientific quality. After discussion of the internal reviews, the sDiv Committee decided to fund five international workshops:

"Synthesising Trait Evolution in Plants (sTEP)"
main applicants: William D. Pearse
and Jeannine Cavender-Bares (both University of Minnesota)

"Next Generation Models for Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity (sESMOD)"
main applicants: Elena Bennett
(Mc Gill University); Gretchen Daily (Stanford University)

"Ecotoxicology for B-EF research: experimental design of aquatic multi-trophic experiments (sEcoToxDiv)"
main applicants: Frederik De Laender
(University of Namur); Paul Van den Brink (Wageningen University)

"Can ecological network information improve the efficacy of biodiversity conservation for ecosystem services in the face of unavoidable uncertainty? (sErvices)"
main applicants: Laura E. Dee
and Steven D. Gaines (both University of California, Santa Barbara)

"Unifying marine and terrestrial biodiversity at the interplay of macroecology, macrophysiology and macroevolution (sWEEP)"
main applicants: Miguel Ángel Olalla Tárraga
(Rey Juan Carlos University); Ignacio Morales Castilla (Universidade de Evora)

Decisions for first sDiv call

Within our first sDiv call for workshops, various projects are funded.

Funded workshops:

sPlot - Plant trait-environment relationships across the world's biomes ("Trait-vegetation")
main applicants: Helge Bruelheide, Oliver Purschke
associated postdoc: Jürgen Dengler

sImpact - Impact of invasive alien species: prediction and quantification
main applicant: Sabrina Kumschick

TRANs-BEE - Synthesising transcriptome data to explore interspecies bee-pathogen molecular interactions that may underpin pollinator decline “trans-bee”
main applicants: Christina M. Grozinger, Robert J. Paxton
associated postdoc: Vincent Doublet

sTOICHFUN Stoichiometric constraints of biodiversity – functioning relationships StoichFun
main applicant: Helmut Hillebrand
associated postdoc: Aleksandra Lewandowska

rangeShifter - Synthesising population, community, genetic and evolutionary dynamics in a simulation platform: a tool for theory and application
main applicant: Justin Travis
associated postdoc: Alexander Singer

ECOTRON - Next generation biodiversity manipulation: Technical requirements for an ecotron platform
main apllicants: Stefan Meldau, Nico Eisenhauer

sTability - Plant diversity effects on ecosystem resistance to and recovery from perturbations
main applicants: Nico Eisenhauer, Forest Isbell
associated postdoc: Dylan Craven

sOILDIV - A framework to improve our understanding of the distribution of global soil biodiversity: establishing the first quantitative synthesis
main applicant: Diana H. Wall
associated postdoc: Kelly S. Ramirez

sREGPOOL - Biodiversity across spatial scales - linking macroecological models to local-scale biodiversity patterns by explicit delineation of the regional species pool Biodiversity and spatial scale - the regional species pool link
main applicants: Dirk Nikolaus Karger, Jens-Christian Svenning

sFOSSIL - Integrating Phylogenies, Fossils and Earth System Dynamics
main applicants: Jan Schnitzler, Andreas Mulch

TRY - Towards a sustainable archive and sharing-mechanism for plant trait data: Refining the TRY initiative TRY 3.0
main applicant: Jens Kattge

sTUNDRA - Tundra ecosystem change: Scaling shrub expansion from site to biome
main applicants: Isla H. Myers-Smith, Sarah C. Elmendorf
associated postdoc: Anne Bjorkman

sCoMuCra - Species communities harboring the outcome of plant diversification: museums and cradles (CoMuCra)
main applicant: Andreas Prinzing
associated postdoc: Benjamin Yguel

sTREEDIV - Using Tree Diversity as an Insurance for the Stable Functioning of Forest Ecosystems
main applicants: Andy Hector, Bart Muys
associated postdoc: Simon Bilodeau-Gauthier

Physiodiv - Biodiversity meets Physiology – Physiology meets Biodiversity
main applicant: Christian Wilhelm

sPHY - Synthesizing phylogenetic measures for ecology and conservation
main applicants: Marc W Cadotte, Dan F Rosauer

sMGI - 3rd Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative
main applicants: François Buscot, Sylvie Herrmann

Funded individual postdocs:

How does biodiversity affect ecosystem functioning and community stability:a meta-analysis of ecotoxicological stress experiments on freshwater communities
Viktoriia Radchuk

Niche, neutrality and the maintenance of biotic diversity in a changing world
Stefano Larsen

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