
How we work

With iDiv's Science-Policy work, we strive to make the science produced by our researchers accessible for policy-makers from the global to the local level. 


  • We share our insights through policy-relevant publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as policy briefs, position papers or white papers.
  • We actively engage in global policy-processes.
  • We engage in working groups of IPBES and other international conventions.
  • We organise and participate in workshops and other events for policy-makers.
  • We collaborate with policy-makers in transdisciplinary research projects.
  • We develop new methods and frameworks for biodiversity monitoring on all levels.
Science-Policy Coordinator & Scientific Employee (Biodiversity and People)
Phone: mail to person +49 341 9739174


Convention on Biological Diversity

iDiv advises on the development and implementation of the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

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iDiv researchers engage as authors in assessments, and in expert working groups.

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iDiv researchers study the reform process of the CAP in several research projects. They develop recommendations for action and feed them into the policy cycle via communication pathways such as  ongoing dialogue about a biodiversity-friendly implementation of the EU CAP with the General Directions for Agriculture and Environment or the EU commission's vice-president Frans Timmermanns.

Projects: Grazelife, CAP4GI, iCAP-BES, Birds in Farmlands

EuropaBON strives to overcome existing data gaps and workflow bottlenecks by designing an EU-wide framework for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem services.


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iDiv researchers developed a rewilding framework to support the implementation of large-scale ecological restoration across Europe. 


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iDiv leads the German Biodiversity Assessment "FaktenĀ­check Artenvielfalt"


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Expert workshops to develop recommendations for the national implementation of the EU Common Agricultural Policy while improving farmland biodiversity, ecosystem services, and rural societies in Europe.

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iDiv leads the development of the German Citizen Science Strategy for 2030


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iDiv co-developed recommendations for management actions to restore Leipzig's floodplain forest


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Citizen Science Projects in Jena and Leipzig (PhenObs, Flow, CoolSpots)


PolDiv investigates air quality and pollination in the framework of ecosystem services through technical (automated high throughput pollen analysis) and social innovation (citizen science)


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