
The Flexpool of iDiv is an internal funding mechanism open to all full iDiv members (regular Flexpool) or associate members (Flexpool Support Fund). Its main purpose is to instigate integrative and innovative research and establish/strengthen links among iDiv members as well as to global networks and initiatives. The Flexpool mechanism is thus of vital importance for iDiv’s integrative tasks and conducting research underlying our scientific activities.

Current Calls

Types of funding

Regular Flexpool calls

  • The main purpose of regular Flexpool calls is to instigate innovative research projects that integrate across the wide expertise of the iDiv community and increase the visibility of iDiv’s “integrative” character across all member institutions. Successful projects should specifically focus on topics integrating within and across the five research areas (RAs): Biodiversity Change, Biodiversity and Complexity, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning, Molecular Biodiversity and Adaptation and Biodiversity and Society.
  • Eligibility: all full iDiv members (with exceptions, please refer to the text of the current call)
  • Funding for staff and consumable
  • All proposals will evaluated by independent reviewers and an iDiv Evaluation Committee

Flexpool Support Fund

  • The Flexpool mechanism of iDiv is designed to promote integrative activities among scientists within the iDiv consortium. The Flexpool Support Fund pursues the same goals as the Flexpool mechanism.
  • Eligibility: all iDiv associate members
  • Funding is limited to 10 kEUR per project
  • Funding for small projects, e.g., student or research assistants, workshops, travel costs, consumables, scientific instruments, etc.
  • All proposals will evaluated by an iDiv Evaluation Committee
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