History of iDiv
Milestones in 2023
DFG approves grant proposal for the new Research Training Group ECO-N (Photo: Antje Gildemeister/Leipzig University)
52nd Annual Meeting of The Ecological Society (GfÖ) in Leipzig with iDiv as local host (Photo: Kati Kietzmann/iDiv)
Seventh iDiv Summer School on Integrating Ecological and Economic Theory for Modelling Biodiversity Change in Leipzig (Photo: Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz/iDiv)
First Long Night of the Sciences in iDiv’s building (Photo: Kati Kietzmann/iDiv)
Celebration of 10 years of iDiv with the Minister Presidents of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia and the Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Germany (Photo: Stefan Bernhardt/iDiv)
ERC Advanced Grant for Jonathan Chase (iDiv/MLU) (Photo: Volker Hahn/iDiv)
2500th participant at of an sDiv working group meetingParliamentary evening (Photo: Carolin Kögler/iDiv)
Parliamentary evening at the State Representation of Saxony-Anhalt in Berlin (Photo: iDiv/Henning Schacht)
Milestones in 2022
Sixth iDiv Summer School on Molecular Evolutionary Ecology in Biodiversity in Leipzig
Junior research group Soil Biodiversity and Functions (Anton Potapov, iDiv/UL)
Junior research group Symbiont Evolution (Michael Gerth, iDiv/MLU)
Seventh annual iDiv Conference with more than 300 participants – again virtual
Christian Wirth (iDiv, UL, MPI BGC) receives Leipzig Science and Humanities Prize 2022
Milestones in 2021
Beginning of the third funding phase of iDiv
3,000 scientific publications with iDiv affiliation since mid 2013
Inauguration of the new iDiv building with the Minister Presidents of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia
Extension of iDiv’s funding for another three years by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Virtual iDiv evaluation by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Nico Eisenhauer (iDiv, UL) awarded with the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (Photo: Swen Reichhold)
Milestones in 2020
Evolutionary Ecology research group (Omer Nevo, iDiv/FSU)
Sixth annual iDiv Conference for the first time virtual
Start of the yDiv Postdoctoral Programme
Move to the new iDiv building
iDiv member Markus Reichstein (MPI BGC) awarded with the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (Photo: MPI BGC)
Milestones in 2019
Fifth annual iDiv Conference on biodiversity science with more than 300 participants at the Leipziger Kubus (UFZ)
Fifth iDiv Summer School on Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy in Leipzig
States take over financing for iDiv after 2024
2,000 scientific publications with iDiv affiliation since mid 2013
Inauguration of iDiv research greenhouse at the Botanical Garden of Leipzig University
Ulrich Brose (iDiv, FSU) awarded with the Thuringian Research Prize
Roofing ceremony for iDiv building
iDiv Science-Policy coordinator (Andrea Perino) starts
Milestones in 2018
Fourth annual iDiv Conference on biodiversity science with more than 310 participants at the Leipziger Kubus (UFZ)
Professorship Biodiversity Economics appointed (Martin Quaas, iDiv/UL)
Fourth iDiv Summer School on Ecological Theory of Modelling for the Biodiversity Crisis in Leipzig
iDiv member Markus Reichstein (MPI BGC) honoured with the Piers J. Sellers Mid-Career Award (Photo: MPI BGC)
Junior research group Evolution and Adaptation (Renske Onstein, iDiv/UL)
Groundbreaking of the new iDiv building with Minister President of Saxony Michael Kretschmer
Roofing ceremony of research greenhouse at the Botanical Garden of Leipzig University
Max Planck Fellowship for Christian Wirth (iDiv, UL, MPI BGC) extended for another five years
Milestones in 2017
Visit by the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) at the iDiv core centre in Leipzig
Third annual iDiv Conference on biodiversity science with more than 240 participants at the Leipziger Kubus (UFZ)
Third iDiv Summer School on “Synthesising and Modelling Biodiversity Data” in Leipzig
Saxon Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich and Minister of Science Eva-Maria Stange visit iDiv core centre in Leipzig
iDiv Ecotron inauguration at the UFZ experimental facility in Bad Lauchstädt
1,000 scientific publications with iDiv affiliation since mid 2013
Over 1,000 participations in sDiv working group meetings since 2013
Milestones in 2016
Second iDiv Annual Conference on biodiversity science with more than 200 participants at the Leipziger Kubus (UFZ).
Beginning of the second funding phase of iDiv
‘Freigeist’ Fellowship of the VolkswagenStiftung for Carsten Meyer (iDiv/UL)
Extension of iDiv’s funding for another four years by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
International GEO BON Conference hosted by iDiv (Photo: Niels A. Petersen)
Second iDiv Summer School on Biodiversity Synthesis and Integration in Leipzig
Chief Operating Officer appointed (Sabine Matthiä)
First iDiv Annual Lecture by Paul R. Ehrlich in Halle (Photo: Paul R. Ehrlich – CC BY 2.5)
iDiv evaluation by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
ERC Starting Grant for Nico Eisenhauer (iDiv/UL)
Milestones in 2015
Celebrating 3 Years of iDiv
First iDiv Annual Conference on biodiversity science with more than 230 participants and 80 lectures in Leipzig.
iDiv member Georg Pohnert (FSU) appointed as Max Planck Fellow (Photo: MPI CE)
First iDiv Summer School with 24 participants from 16 countries in Leipzig
Humboldt Professorship for Tiffany Knight (Spatial Interaction Ecology research group, MLU/UFZ/iDiv)
Professorship Theory in Biodiversity Sciences appointed (Ulrich Brose, iDiv/FSU)
Junior research group Domestication Genomics (Martin Mascher, iDiv/IPK)
Milestones in 2014
Starting point professorships and research groups Biodiversity Synthesis (Jonathan Chase, iDiv/MLU) and Physiological Diversity (Stan Harpole, UFZ, iDiv, MLU)
Re-commissioning canopy crane as a research platform
Commissioning High-Performance Computing Cluster at UFZ (Photo: André Künzelmann/UFZ)
Starting point professorship Ecosystem Services/Aletta Bonn (UFZ/iDiv/FSU)
Junior research group Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat (Hjalmar Kühl, iDiv/MPI EVA)
Starting point professorships Molecular Interaction Ecology (Nicole M. van Dam, iDiv/FSU) and Experimental Interaction Ecology (Nico Eisenhauer, iDiv/UL; Photo: Christian Hüller)
Hjalmar Kühl (iDiv/MPI EVA) receives Robert Bosch Junior Professorship
Milestones in 2013
yDiv accredited to InGrA (International Graduate Academy MLU), JGA (Graduate Academy FSU), Research Academy Leipzig (UL)
First professorship appointed (Biodiversity Conservation, Henrique M. Pereira, iDiv/MLU)
iDiv becomes a central facility of Leipzig University
Opening Symposium “Integrative Biodiversity Research – a young discipline under time pressure”
First sDiv workshop took place (sPlot)
First yDiv doctoral researcher employed
Junior research groupNiche Detector for Hyperdiverse Tropical Forests (Nadja Rüger, iDiv/UL)
Visit Saxon Minister of Science, Sabine von Schorlemer
Christian Wirth (iDiv, UL) appointed as Max Planck Fellow
Milestones in 2012
Launch Website www.idiv.de
iDiv moves into BioCity
Beginning of the first funding phase of iDiv
First General Member Assembly with press conference at the Botanical Garden in Leipzig (Photo: Leipzig University)
Acceptance Initial Proposal, DFG funds iDiv