German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
09.08.2016 | Experimental Interaction Ecology

Subbotnik in Bad Lauchstädt

photos: Simone Cesarz, iDiv

Note for the media: Use of the pictures provided by iDiv is permitted for reports related to this media release only, and under the condition that credit is given to the picture originator.
Bad Lauchstädt. Despite high summer temperatures more than 15 volunteers from iDiv met at the research station of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) at end of July in order to bring the field site of the MyDiv experiment back on its feet.
"We carried out the annual weeding of myDiv plots and weeded 40 plots with the help of very many volunteers from all sorts of groups and the Branch Office," says Nico Eisenhauer,
head of Experimental Interaction Ecology. And coordinator Olga Ferlian add: "Thanks to all who worked hard!"
On this occasion, we had a small guided tour to all experimental platforms at the station (MyDiv, NutNet, Drought-Net, GCEF, Ecotron) and a small barbecue for the helpers. MyDiv is a field experiment which studies the role of mycorrhizal soil fungi in tree diversity effetcs and its impact on ecosystem functions.
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