Website and CV build with RStudio



Course Dates

Target group

Maximum number of participants / Credit Points

Please register here

iDiv Leipzig, room Beehive

15-16 May 2023
9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Early career researchers

15-20/1 CP


You are already active on Twitter, have an ORCID, a GitHub page, but still have the feeling you could present yourself and your research interests a bit more? Then it’s time to create your own website! If you are already experienced in R, this will not be a huge step to own *for free* your customizable and individual blog-like-website to include your upcoming and past talks, the most recent literature in your field, pictures from your last field trip, and of course links to your social media, ORCID and CV.

In this two days course, you will learn the basics to create your own website and CV using RStudio IDE. The first day is an introduction to the programming backbone, and includes basics of html and LaTeX coding, which we will then apply in a hands-on session to towards creating your own academic/industry CV.

The second day will be used to create your own website as introduced the day before.

After the first day you should be able to create your own website. The second (optional) day is for everyone who want to get some more advice while building their website (debugging, template selection, …). Anyway, please do not expect to have a complete and pretty website after two days :-)

For a rough idea, what you can expect as output from the course: &

The course aims to be interactive - participants will be expected to contribute to discussions, complete written work during the course hours, take part in simple games and give mini-presentations. Afternoons will usually devoted to a practical assignment, after which students will be invited to evaluate each other's work.

Please note:

  • There will be some homework between the course days.
  • Bring your laptop.
  • Prior knowledge needed: Experience in R. R version ≥ 4.0.0. and experience with git / GitHub needed for publishing the website. Assistance on this will be given on the second day – please install GitHub Desktop if you have little experience with git.



Georg J. A. Hähn

Georg is an enthusiastic coder, currently working for sPlot as a database curator.



Dr Rachel Rui Ying Oh

Rachel is a postdoctoral researcher at the ecosystem services group who loves transdisciplinary research that benefits nature conservation and human health.

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