yDiv bietet Promovierenden eine Vielzahl an fachlichen und überfachlichen Qualifizierungskursen und Vorträgen sowie Vernetzungsveranstaltungen.

iDiv bietet vor Ort Kinderbetreuung an. Bitte schreib uns, falls Du dieses Angebot in Anspruch nehmen möchtest.


Das Kursangebot von yDiv ist vielfältig: neben Biodiversitätsthemen gibt es sowohl Methoden- und Statistikkurse als auch überfachliche Kompetenztrainings. yDiv Promovierende können sich ihre Kursauswahl frei zusammenstellen (zu den yDiv-Curriculumanforderungen).

Alle Teilnehmer sind angehalten, sich an den iDiv Verhaltenskodex zu halten.

Externe Kurse

Du kannst auch Kurse an den Graduiertenakademien und Partnerinstitutionen besuchen. Diese können für dein Curriculum anerkannt werden.



Aktuelle yDiv-Kurse

TERRANOVA MOOC "Integrated Landscape Analysis (ILA): Addressing Biodiversity and Climate Crises" (online)

Online course with individual access

Provided by: TerraNova - The European Landscape Learning Initiative

Location: online

Type of event: Biodiversity course

Credit points: 1.0

ON DEMAND: Git courses (in person)

Date: To be agreed on if at least 4 people are interested. Write to yDiv@idiv.de if you would like to take this course.

Lecturer: Christian Krause

Location: iDiv Leipzig

Type of event: On demand workshop

Max. participants: 4-6 participants (Basic course) / 8-24 participants (Advanced course)

Credit points: 0.5 / 1.0

iCode - the coding club of iDiv / Coding series

Date: several (usually once a month)

Moderator: Romy Zeiss

Location: iDiv Leipzig/hybrid

Credit points: n.a.

More info and upcoming dates on the iDiv intranet!

Biodiversity Experiments (in person)

Date: 12 - 14 August 2024

Lecturers: Olga Ferlian, Nico Eisenhauer

Location: iDiv Leipzig, Beehive/Pollen and field work

Type of event: Biodiversity course

Max. participants: 10 participants

Credit points: 1.5

Practical introduction to Julia for biodiversity research (in person)

Date: 27 - 29 August 2024

Lecturer: Victor Boussange, Daniel Vedder

Location: iDiv Leipzig, rooms Beehive (27 & 29 August) and Red Queen (28 August)

Type of course: Methods

Max. participants: 15

Credit points: 2 CP

Designing Scientific Posters (in person)

Date: 22 - 23 August 2024

Lecturer: Stefan Bernhardt

Location: iDiv Leipzig, Beehive

Type of course: Transferrable skills

Max. participants: 8 participants

Credit points: 1 CP

Get-Together of the Research School Network Halle 2024: Generative AI for Science

Date: 29 August 2024

Location: Campus Heide Süd, Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1, 06120 Halle


Making figures with Inkscape (in person)

Date: 2 & 3 Sepember 2024

Lecturer: Chloé Schmidt

Location: iDiv Leipzig, Beehive

Type of course: Transferrable skills

Max. participants: 20 participants

Credit points: 1 CP

Phylogenetics crash course – tree building for beginners (in person)

Date: 10 - 12 September 2024

Lecturers: Michael Gerth

Location: iDiv Leipzig, Beehive

Type of event: Biodiversity course

Max. participants: 15 participants

Credit points: 1.5

Career visit at the Umweltbundesamt – German Environment Agency

Date: 26 September 2024

Location: German Environment Agency,
Wörlitzer Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau

Type of course: Career visit

Max. participants: 10

Credit points: 0.5

A brief introduction on how to use photographs and visuals in your scientific work (in person)

Date: 10 October 2024

Lecturer: Stefan Bernhardt

Location: iDiv Leipzig, Pollen

Type of course: Transferrable skills

Max. participants: 8 participants

Credit points: 1 CP

Writing Bootcamp: Make your research more understandable (in person)

Date: 15 October 2024

Lecturers: Kati Kietzmann, Christine Coester

Location: iDiv Leipzig, Pollen

Type of course: Transferable Skills

Max. participants: 12


Seasonal School on Data Management in Biodiversity and Environmental Science

Date: 2 - 6 December 2024

Lecturers: Several

Location: online

Type of course: Workshop

Registration will be closed at 27th of September 2024.


Kursangebote von unseren Partnern

yDiv-Mitglieder haben Zugang zu den Kursen und Veranstaltungen der Graduiertenakademien der Universitäten und unserer Kooperationspartner:

Beachte, dass in HIGRADE-Statistikkursen jeweils zwei Plätze für yDiv-Doktorand/innen reserviert sind.

Coffee Lecture: "BiodivPortal"

Date: 24 July 2024

Lecturer: tba

Location: online


Leadership Skills in Academia and Industry

Date: 5-6 August 2024

Lecturer: Peter Wagner

Location: Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena

Type of course: Transferable Skills

Max. participants: 12

Credit Points: 1.0

"Wenn Sie so weitermachen…!" – gewaltfreie Kommunikation und wertschätzendes Feedback

Date: 16-23 August 2024

Lecturer: Rebecca Giersch

Location: Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena

Type of course: Transferable Skills

Max. participants: 15

Credit Points: 0.5

Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis und der Umgang mit Konflikten im Forschungsalltag (ONLINE)

Date: 28 August 2024

Lecturer: Dr Andrea Kliewer

Location: online

Type of course: Transferable Skills

Max. participants: 14

Credit Points: 0.5

Training für interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit

Date: 28 August 2024

Lecturer: Dr Matthias Zach

Location: Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena

Type of course: Transferable Skills

Max. participants: 14

Credit Points: 1.0

Active Bystander Training (ONLINE)

Date: 2 September 2024

Lecturer: The Active Bystander Training Company

Location: online

Type of course: Training

Max. participants: 18

Credit Points: 0.0

How to apply for a scholarship for PhD Funding in Germany

Date: 19 September 2024

Lecturer: Dr Maia George

Location: Johannisstraße 13 – Auditorium Zur Rosen, Jena

Type of course: Transferable Skills

Max. participants: 8

Credit Points: 0.5

Wertschätzendes Feedback geben und nehmen – und für die eigene Forschungsarbeit nutzen (ONLINE)

Date: 24 September 2024

Lecturer: Maud Bermann

Location: online

Type of course: Transferable Skills

Max. participants: 6

Credit Points: 0.0

Cite with Zotero for beginners

Date: 09 January 2025

Lecturer: Dr. Dr. habil D. Quandt

Location: Medicine and Sciences Library, seminar room

Type of course: n.a.

Max. participants: n.a.

Credit Points: 0.0



Dr. Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz
Koordinatorin der Graduiertenschule

Raum: A.00.19
Telefon: +49 341 9733125
E-Mail: nicole.sachmerda-schulz@idiv.de

Beate Horn
Administrative Assistentin

Raum: A.00.19
Telefon: +49 341 9733126
E-Mail: beate.horn@idiv.de

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