Media releases

Here you can find the media releases of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. Please note, that all images contained in the media releases are for use in connection with the press release, exclusively. For any other usage purposes, please contact the Media and Communications department (

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The common wood sorrel (<em>Oxalis acetosella</em>) migrates westwards at a speed of around 5 kilometres per year and northwards at around 0.1 kilometres per year. The main driver is nitrogen deposition&nbsp; (Picture: Petr Harant (CC-BY))
10.10.2024 | iDiv Members, sDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

New study published in Science  › more

The new core research building at Alte Messe in Leipzig. (Picture: S. Bernhardt / iDiv)
01.10.2024 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release

Today, the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) enters a new phase with new funding, a new COO, and a new research group.  › more

Fields and grassland, moors, moorland forests, swamps and springs are in the worst shape, according to the Faktencheck Artenvielfalt (Picture: M. Zimmer)
01.10.2024 | Research, TOP NEWS, Media Release

More than half of Germany’s habitat types have an ecologically unfavourable status  › more

Increased pollen concentrations lead to more precipitation on a local scale. (Picture: Colourbox)
17.09.2024 | iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS

New study shows climate impact  › more

(Picture: )
16.09.2024 | Media Release, MLU News, TOP NEWS

Botanik-Tagung takes place from 15 to 19 September at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg  › more

Large-scale deforestation has a greater warming effect on the climate than previously thought. (Picture: Colourbox)
10.09.2024 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members

Serious impact on climate, say researchers  › more

Desmarest's hutia (Capromys pilorides) (Picture: Robin White / CC-BY-NC)
09.09.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, MLU News, Biodiversity Synthesis

Birds and mammels on islands have a slower metabolism than their closest relatives on the mainland  › more

Forest dieback 2.0, air pollution or species loss: the new Research Training Group is researching sustainable utilisation concepts for natural commons. (Picture: Colourbox)
06.09.2024 | Media Release, Biodiversity Economics, TOP NEWS

Early career researchers study sustainable development  › more

The study found that organic farming and flower strips enhance the health of honey bees, leading to stronger and generally healthier colonies when they are nearby. (Picture: T. Erski)
21.08.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members, Research

A new study reveals how farming practices affect colony health.  › more

(Picture: Martha Paola Barajas Barbosa)
07.08.2024 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS

Researchers developed a comprehensive framework to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in global biodiversity research  › more

Species-rich, low-intensity pasture in the GCEF, the climate and land-use experiment of the UFZ (Picture: André Künzelmann / UFZ)
22.07.2024 | Media Release, UFZ News, TOP NEWS

Low-intensity grassland is better able to withstand the consequences of climate change  › more

The Flora Incognita app makes it easy to identify plants with a smartphone. (Picture: Flora Incognita)
09.07.2024 | TOP NEWS, Research, iDiv Members, Media Release

By leveraging millions of time-stamped observations, researchers can identify plant rhythms and ecological patterns year-round  › more

Europe&rsquo;s biodiversity continues to decline at an alarming rate due to anthropogenic pressures and a warming climate (Picture: Janoka82 | Dreamstime)
02.07.2024 | Biodiversity Conservation, iDiv, Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Study identifies policy needs, challenges, and future pathways.  › more

Researchers in the Tropical Andes often struggle to share their unique insights into these complex ecosystems with the global scientific community. (Picture: Fernanda Lacerda)
26.06.2024 | Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Report by Jose Valdez, postdoctoral researcher of Biodiversity Conservation at iDiv and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) Despite hosting some of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems…  › more

Germany's leading role in biodiversity policy and research was discussed at the Parliamentary Evening. Speakers included Prof. Dr. Peter Seeberger, Vice President of the German Research Foundation. (Picture: Stefan Bernhardt)
25.06.2024 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release

iDiv met with members of the Bundestag to discuss expanding Germany's role  › more

Springtail (Collembola) (Picture: Frank Ashwood)
17.06.2024 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS

Life strategies of a multitude of soil faunal taxa can affect the formation of organic matter in soil.  › more

Agriculture shapes our landscape and provides multiple services. A new study blends the impacts on food production, soil health, biodiversity and other ecosystem services, comparing extensive and intensive management (Picture: JUAN CARLOS MUNOZ -
13.06.2024 | TOP NEWS, Physiological Diversity, Biodiversity Economics, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, Media Release

New study in Nature Communications  › more

Grazing of both domestic and wild animals is shaping landscapes across Europe.&nbsp; (Picture: A. Pohl)
30.04.2024 | iDiv, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Land users struggle with inflexible regulations and a lack of workforce  › more

Climate change could become the main driver of biodiversity decline by mid-century, according to a new study published in <em>Science</em> (Picture: Oliver Thier)
26.04.2024 | iDiv Members, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Largest modelling study of its kind, published in Science  › more

Functional plant characteristics, such as the unique characteristics of leaves and roots, affect the local climate. (Picture: S. Bernhardt / iDiv)
23.04.2024 | Research, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Local differences in plant traits partially explain variation in climate-regulation processes  › more

Prof. Dr Nico Eisenhauer (centre) with Prof. (ETHZ) Dr Haug, President of the Leopoldina (left) and Franziska Hornig, Secretary General of the Leopoldina (right) during the ceremony. (Picture: Markus Scholz for Leopoldina)
18.04.2024 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

Nico Eisenhauer was admitted to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.  › more

Rewilding amphibians, such as the lemur leaf frog (<em>Agalychnis lemur</em>), stands to help restore aquatic ecosystems, according to the authors of a new study. (Picture: Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0)
17.04.2024 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release

Researchers at iDiv propose a new strategy for rewilding amphibians in a recent study.  › more

Bauxite mining in Western Chimpanzee habitat in Guinea. (Picture: Genevieve Campbell)
03.04.2024 | Research, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release

One-third of Africa’s great ape population faces risks related to mining  › more

Diana Wall (Picture: William A. Cotton/CSU Photography)
02.04.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS

Diana Wall passed away on the 25th of March 2024. Diana Wall, a leading environmental scientist and soil ecologist, has been a longstanding member of iDiv's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and part…  › more

Spotted hyenas <em>(Crocuta crocuta)</em> resting at the communal den in the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. (Picture: S. Benhaiem)
28.03.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS

New study reveals how social status and behaviour are reflected in the genetic makeup  › more

Henrique Pereira (Picture: Stefan Bernhardt / iDiv)
26.03.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, MLU News, Biodiversity Conservation

Ecologist Prof Henrique Pereira is part of the ECB's Motifs Advisory Group, which proposes motifs for the next generation of euro banknotes.  › more

Models suggest that the Atlantic Cod (<em>Gadus morhua</em>) may have a higher risk of extinction as water temperatures increase. (Picture: WT Fiege, CC BY-SA via Wikimedia Commons)
27.02.2024 | Theory in Biodiversity Science, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Fish species respond to temperature increases by going after more readily available prey. Models suggest this behaviour could lead to more extinctions.  › more

Viticulture depends on Nature's contributions to people. A seal of origin based on terroir can create awareness for the respective region. (Picture: Rick Baldwin / Pixabay)
23.02.2024 | TOP NEWS, sDiv, Media Release

A new approach to quantify the dependency of international trade and so-called Nature’s contributions to people  › more

Rain forest (left) and oil palm plantation (right) (Picture: Ananggadipa Raswanto)
20.02.2024 | iDiv, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Nature study on the effects of land use change in tropical ecosystems  › more

Barranca de Huentitan is a canyon carved by the Rio Grande de Santiago in Mexico in the state of Jalisco. The canyon has several types of vegetation: Tropical Forest, Deciduous, Riparian forest vegetation, and secondary vegetation. (Picture: Emmanuel Oceguera Conchas)
14.02.2024 | TOP NEWS, Research, Media Release, iDiv

Study identifies vegetation types most in need of conservation efforts to protect threatened species.  › more

Fish in the upper Danube could be just as endangered in the future as they were in the past, but for different reasons (Picture: Joachim Pressl, Unsplash)
14.02.2024 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity and People

Higher temperatures could pose the greatest threat  › more

Brian McGill (Picture: University of Maine)
09.02.2024 | MLU News, Media Release, TOP NEWS

The US researcher will use the prize money for several stays at iDiv  › more

The Oder Delta area comprises diverse natural habitats and is particularly suitable for the natural comeback of wildlife. (Picture: Sandeep Sharma)
22.01.2024 | Biodiversity Conservation, iDiv, TOP NEWS, Research, Media Release

Survey shows positive attitudes towards rewilding in the Oder Delta region, but finds locals’ feelings are mixed.  › more

(Picture: Adobe Stock)
22.01.2024 | Media Release

Whitepaper examines the role of technology and finance to address biodiversity challenges  › more

Prof Christian Wirth has been appointed external member of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena (Picture: Antje GIildemeister)
17.01.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members

Wirth’s work complements research focus of the Max Planck Institute  › more

The researchers built rainfall manipulation structures to experimentally reduce the amount of naturally occurring precipitation. Here: Drought Net site at the UFZ Research Station in Bad Lauchst&auml;dt. (Picture: G. Rada / iDiv)
09.01.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS

Effects of extreme drought have been greatly underestimated  › more

Female southern pig-tailed macaque with infant (Picture: Anna Holzner)
08.01.2024 | iDiv Members, Research, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Study reveals link between frequent plantation visits and infant mortality in wild southern pig-tailed macaques in Peninsular Malaysia  › more

Professor Dr Martin Quaas (Picture: Antje Gildemeister/Leipzig University)
05.01.2024 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Economics

Interview with Martin Quaas, head of Biodiversity Economics research group  › more

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