Media releases from 2018

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In a new study published in the scientific journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, researchers present sPlot - the world's first global vegetation database which contains over 1.1 million complete lists of plant species sampled across all Earth’s ecosystems. (picture: Francesco Maria Sabatini, MLU/iDiv)
20.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members

sPlot paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution  › more

15.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, sDiv

Area of habitat larger than New Zealand could be lost to urbanisation over next 20 years   › more

Growing of accessions of the barley collection of the Federal Ex situ Gene Bank at the IPK in Gatersleben. (Picture: IPK Gatersleben)
09.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Domestication Genomics

Molecular characterisation of an entire genebank collection   › more

05.11.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat

Scientists call for better monitoring  › more

01.10.2018 | iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS, Research

Reforestation with a variety of tree species would help biodiversity and climate  › more

27.09.2018 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS

Quaas' professorship starts on 1 Oktober 2018  › more

26.09.2018 | Computational Forest Ecology, TOP NEWS, Media Release, sDiv

Analysis of comprehensive data set led to publication in Nature.  › more

21.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

Talks and exhibition inauguration (in German)  › more

06.08.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release

Joint position paper of renowned researchers  › more

01.08.2018 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv Members

Study based on ten years of research in subtropical forests  › more

24.07.2018 | Media Release, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS

Brown bears could live in an additional 380,000 square kilometres  › more

04.07.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

Newly discovered dispersal strategy for mites  › more

150 years old oak trees in the Forêt domaniale de Bercé (Photo: INRA / Didier Bert).
20.06.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Research, UFZ News

Scientists have sequenced the genome of the pedunculate oak  › more

04.06.2018 | Evolution and Adaptation, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Start of research group “Evolution and Adaptation”.  › more

The exhibition boxes at the Botanical Garden of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Photo: Stefan Bernhardt, iDiv)
17.05.2018 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Research

Exhibition on gardening opened on 24 May in the Botanical Garden of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.  › more

15.05.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release

Environment protection should be a priority for the Chinese initiative to promote global trade.  › more

26.04.2018 | Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Massive study finds more gorillas and chimpanzees than previously thought, but 80% are outside the safe havens of protected areas  › more

Bumblebees in the city are genetically different from those in the countryside (photo: BarbeeAnne/Pixabay)
18.04.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release

Genetic adaptation to different habitats  › more

05.04.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, sDiv, iDiv Members

The stronger global warming is, the greater the increase in the number of plant species on mountain tops. This was the main finding of a study published in the journal Nature.  › more

09.03.2018 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release

Fotos from a camera trap provide the evidence  › more

05.03.2018 | iDiv Members, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Common media release by iDiv, UFZ and Senckenberg  › more

06.02.2018 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Sustainability and Complexity in Ape Habitat

Global demand for natural resources has reduced the number of orangutans by more than 100,000 animals in the last 16 years  › more

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