Media releases from 2019

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In a rapidly urbanising world, the conversion of natural habitats into urban areas leads to a significant loss of biodiversity. (Picture: allemii / Pixabay)
09.12.2019 | Research, Media Release, iDiv, Biodiversity Conservation, sDiv, TOP NEWS

Researchers assess direct and indirect effects of urban growth on a global scale.  › more

03.12.2019 | Media Release, Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS, yDiv

Narratives have functions and can be explained in a (simple) model  › more

A century later, plant diversity is still struggling in wake of agricultural abandonment. (Picture: Forest Isbell)
22.11.2019 | TOP NEWS, sDiv, Media Release, iDiv, Research, Physiological Diversity

Although local plant diversity increases over time, plant productivity does not significantly recover from agricultural use.  › more

The spreading bellflower (<em>Campanula patula</em>) is a declining species in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.&nbsp; (Picture: Florian Jansen)
08.11.2019 | Biodiversity and People, iDiv Members, Media Release

 The full text is only available in German.  › more

Earthworms foster many ecosystem services important to people.&nbsp; (Picture: Valentin Gutekunst)
24.10.2019 | sDiv, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release

Global climate change could alter earthworm communities worldwide.  › more

Adult male pig-tailed macaque consuming a rat at the oil palm plantations near Segari, Peninsular Malaysia. (Picture: Anna Holzner)
21.10.2019 | iDiv, Media Release, TOP NEWS, Research, iDiv Members

Considered an oil palm pest, macaques can in fact diminish a more severe pest: rats  › more

Tropical marine regions are exhibiting biodiversity change at the extremes of richness gains, losses and turnover more often than other regions. (Picture: Kanenori / Pixabay)
18.10.2019 | Biodiversity Synthesis, Research, iDiv, Media Release, sDiv, TOP NEWS

Researchers map types and rates of biodiversity change.  › more

Under climate change, projected sea-level rise increases risk to 500 million people worldwide by 2050. (Picture: David Shepherd / Pixabay)
08.10.2019 | iDiv, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Research, Media Release

Where people’s needs for nature are greatest, nature’s ability to meet those needs is declining  › more

Widespread contempt among fishermen for stricter EU fishing regulation is well documented. (Picture: Moritz Drupp)
30.09.2019 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Economics

Game of chance experiment: In a relationship with an unpopular regulator, the truth is somewhat elastic.  › more

At the Jena Experiment, researchers study the role of biodiversity for ecosystem functioning. (Picture: Christoph Scherber)
30.09.2019 | TOP NEWS, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, Media Release

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grants 5 million euros for novel approach to investigate mechanisms underlying biodiversity and ecosystem functions at Jena Experiment  › more

Climate change is affecting nature, also in the forests of the Harz mountains. (Picture: Christian Müller)
18.09.2019 | iDiv, sDiv, Media Release, TOP NEWS

iDiv scientists call for action to tackle climate and biodiversity change.  › more

How do climate and land use affect ecological processes? In the Global Change Experimantal Facility (GCEF), an outdoor experiment in Saxony-Anhalt run by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, scientists have been researching the consequences of the expected future changes in climate and land use since 2013. (Picture: André Künzelmann / UFZ)
16.09.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Species Interaction Ecology

Most experiments do not correspond to projected climate scenarios  › more

A mixture of five tree species on a Sardinilla experiment field (Picture: Florian Schnabel)
05.09.2019 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Recent study proves: Forests that are more diverse are also more productive and more resilient  › more

Monotonous landscapes created by agricultural intensification. The CAP reform proposed by the EU risks the expansion of such landscapes, according to the scientists.&nbsp; (Picture: Sebastian Lakner)
02.08.2019 | Media Release, Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS, sDiv

Researchers analyse EU Commission reform plans for the CAP  › more

The Ko'olau summit on the island of O'ahu in Hawai'i where researchers found that biodiversity is higher in forests on older islands than on younger ones, but that this effect may be diluted by introduced species. (Picture: William Weaver)
29.07.2019 | Biodiversity Synthesis, TOP NEWS, Media Release

International research team investigates mechanisms of forest biodiversity in Hawaiian archipelago  › more

Honey bee worker and male sand bee on an apple tree blossom. Apples are insect-pollinated fruits. Picture: Martin Husemann
11.07.2019 | TOP NEWS, MLU News, Media Release

Media release by the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg  › more

f.l.t.r.: Science ministers Wolfgang Tiefensee (Thuringia), Dr Eva-Maria Stange (Saxony), Prof Armin Willingmann (Saxony-Anhalt). Photo: Stefan Bernhardt / iDiv
08.07.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

Joint media release by the State Ministries of Science of Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt  › more

Picture: Jules/flickr.
24.05.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release

They activate a specific cell receptor  › more

Picture: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU.
21.05.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

From 24 May to 1 September the Botanical Garden of the University of Jena presents “Garten findet Stadt”, an exhibition on urban gardening.  › more

The importance of climate change as a cause of global species loss is increasing steadily. The most threatened ecosystems are coral reefs. Image: Andrey Armyagov/
06.05.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release

World Biodiversity Council IPBES presents long-awaited Global Assessment.  › more

In the BEF-China experiment, tree species richness varies across different subplots. (Picture: Helge Bruelheide)
09.04.2019 | Media Release, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Halle, Leipzig, Göttingen. The more plant species live in grasslands and forests, the more insect species find a habitat there. However, the presence of more plant species does not only increase…  › more

The soda pans in the Seewinkel region (Austria) are extraordinarily precious habitats. (Picture: Zsófia Horváth)
02.04.2019 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity Synthesis

Also in neighbouring habitat patches species are lost  › more

Birds that specialise on insect food have declined across Europe by 13%. This includes the meadow pipit (<em>Anthus pratensis</em>). (Picture: Mathias Schaef,
27.03.2019 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS

First Europe-wide study relating population trends of birds to their diet  › more

The global distribution of the match of biodiversity above the ground (mammals, birds, amphibians and plants) and below (soil invertebrates, fungi and bacteria). Dark areas have high biodiversity above and in the soil; light yellow areas have high above-ground biodiversity but low diversity in the soil; blue areas have low above-ground biodiversity, but species-rich soil communities; and light areas are species-poor above and below the soil surface. (Picture: Conservation Biology)
13.03.2019 | iDiv Members, GEO BON, Biodiversity Conservation, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, sDiv, TOP NEWS

Research team evaluates global biodiversity data – with surprising resultsLeipzig. After conducting comprehensive studies, an international team of researchers led by Leipzig University and the iDiv…  › more

Data to assess distributions and trends varies vastly among groups of organisms. Many tropical butterflies like the blue-frosted banner (Catonephele numilia) often only have a few records (picture: Walter Jetz).
11.03.2019 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, sDiv, Biodiversity Synthesis, Macroecology and Society, Media Release

Developed under the auspices of the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON)  › more

This is how the new iDiv building will look like (picture: Depenbrock Partnering GmbH & Co. KG Bielefeld)
06.03.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

The new building will be complete by March 2020.  › more

Population and economic growth are driving the transformation of diverse natural areas into agricultural land - despite an improved environmental balance of land use. (Picture: guentermanaus –
04.03.2019 | Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Population and economic growth offset improvement of environmental balance of land use  › more

The first global map of species richness of trees, as produced by the new model. It illustrates the number of tree species that can be expected within areas of one hectare. The highest number of tree species (orange to yellow) can be found in the hot, humid tropics. The remaining white spaces are unforested areas. (Picture: Petr Keil and Jonathan Chase)
20.02.2019 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Synthesis, Media Release

New statistical model eliminates blank spaces  › more

Caterpillars of the tobacco hawk moth (<em>Manduca sexta</em>) can tolerate nicotine well, but if their host plant produces other chemical substances, they look for a new feeding place if possible. (Picture: Pia Backmann)
25.01.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members, Molecular Interaction Ecology

Tobacco plants gain an advantage by the timely sending of hungry caterpillars to the competition  › more

Cleaning surfaces with disinfectants disturbs the natural species composition of the microorganisms present. Individual species can profit from this and reproduce strongly. This could even favour the spread and establishment of pathogens. (Picture: nakedking –
21.01.2019 | sDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS

More living organisms on our bodies and in our homes could help in combatting diseases - if we let them live  › more

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