Media releases from 2019

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09.12.2019 | Research, Media Release, iDiv, Biodiversity Conservation, sDiv, TOP NEWS

Researchers assess direct and indirect effects of urban growth on a global scale.  › more

03.12.2019 | Media Release, Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS, yDiv

Narratives have functions and can be explained in a (simple) model  › more

22.11.2019 | TOP NEWS, sDiv, Media Release, iDiv, Research, Physiological Diversity

Although local plant diversity increases over time, plant productivity does not significantly recover from agricultural use.  › more

08.11.2019 | Biodiversity and People, iDiv Members, Media Release

 The full text is only available in German.  › more

24.10.2019 | sDiv, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release

Global climate change could alter earthworm communities worldwide.  › more

21.10.2019 | iDiv, Media Release, TOP NEWS, Research, iDiv Members

Considered an oil palm pest, macaques can in fact diminish a more severe pest: rats  › more

18.10.2019 | Biodiversity Synthesis, Research, iDiv, Media Release, sDiv, TOP NEWS

Researchers map types and rates of biodiversity change.  › more

08.10.2019 | iDiv, Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Research, Media Release

Where people’s needs for nature are greatest, nature’s ability to meet those needs is declining  › more

30.09.2019 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Economics

Game of chance experiment: In a relationship with an unpopular regulator, the truth is somewhat elastic.  › more

30.09.2019 | TOP NEWS, Research, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv, Media Release

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grants 5 million euros for novel approach to investigate mechanisms underlying biodiversity and ecosystem functions at Jena Experiment  › more

18.09.2019 | iDiv, sDiv, Media Release, TOP NEWS

iDiv scientists call for action to tackle climate and biodiversity change.  › more

16.09.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Species Interaction Ecology

Most experiments do not correspond to projected climate scenarios  › more

05.09.2019 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Recent study proves: Forests that are more diverse are also more productive and more resilient  › more

02.08.2019 | Media Release, Biodiversity and People, TOP NEWS, sDiv

Researchers analyse EU Commission reform plans for the CAP  › more

29.07.2019 | Biodiversity Synthesis, TOP NEWS, Media Release

International research team investigates mechanisms of forest biodiversity in Hawaiian archipelago  › more

Honey bee worker and male sand bee on an apple tree blossom. Apples are insect-pollinated fruits. Picture: Martin Husemann
11.07.2019 | TOP NEWS, MLU News, Media Release

Media release by the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg  › more

f.l.t.r.: Science ministers Wolfgang Tiefensee (Thuringia), Dr Eva-Maria Stange (Saxony), Prof Armin Willingmann (Saxony-Anhalt). Photo: Stefan Bernhardt / iDiv
08.07.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

Joint media release by the State Ministries of Science of Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt  › more

Picture: Jules/flickr.
24.05.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release

They activate a specific cell receptor  › more

Picture: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU.
21.05.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

From 24 May to 1 September the Botanical Garden of the University of Jena presents “Garten findet Stadt”, an exhibition on urban gardening.  › more

The importance of climate change as a cause of global species loss is increasing steadily. The most threatened ecosystems are coral reefs. Image: Andrey Armyagov/
06.05.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release

World Biodiversity Council IPBES presents long-awaited Global Assessment.  › more

09.04.2019 | Media Release, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Halle, Leipzig, Göttingen. The more plant species live in grasslands and forests, the more insect species find a habitat there. However, the presence of more plant species does not only increase…  › more

02.04.2019 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity Synthesis

Also in neighbouring habitat patches species are lost  › more

27.03.2019 | Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS

First Europe-wide study relating population trends of birds to their diet  › more

13.03.2019 | iDiv Members, GEO BON, Biodiversity Conservation, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, sDiv, TOP NEWS

Research team evaluates global biodiversity data – with surprising resultsLeipzig. After conducting comprehensive studies, an international team of researchers led by Leipzig University and the iDiv…  › more

Data to assess distributions and trends varies vastly among groups of organisms. Many tropical butterflies like the blue-frosted banner (Catonephele numilia) often only have a few records (picture: Walter Jetz).
11.03.2019 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, sDiv, Biodiversity Synthesis, Macroecology and Society, Media Release

Developed under the auspices of the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON)  › more

This is how the new iDiv building will look like (picture: Depenbrock Partnering GmbH & Co. KG Bielefeld)
06.03.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

The new building will be complete by March 2020.  › more

04.03.2019 | Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Population and economic growth offset improvement of environmental balance of land use  › more

20.02.2019 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Synthesis, Media Release

New statistical model eliminates blank spaces  › more

25.01.2019 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv Members, Molecular Interaction Ecology

Tobacco plants gain an advantage by the timely sending of hungry caterpillars to the competition  › more

21.01.2019 | sDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS

More living organisms on our bodies and in our homes could help in combatting diseases - if we let them live  › more

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