yDiv PhD Retreat 2024

Date and venue

The yDiv retreat 2024 is taking place from 26 - 28 June 2024.

We will be hosted by the Konrad-Martin-Haus in Bad Kösen. You will stay in single or double rooms.

As Bad Kösen is well accessible with public transport, we are going to travel by train. As always, all costs of accommodation and travel are taken over by yDiv.


The registration is closed.


For a more detailed schedule and abstracts please check the retreat agenda here (PDF).

 Wednesday, 26 June
10.30 amArrival

11 - 12 pm

Get-to-know each other

12 - 1 pm


1 - 1.30 pm

Welcome & Introduction to the programme
yDiv & PhD organization team

1.30 - 4 pm

PhD Symposium
Moderated by Pratyaksh Singh & Konstantin Reisner

4 - 4:30 pm

Coffee break

4:30 - 6 pm

PhD Meeting
PhD representatives

6 - 7 pm

Break / Free time

from 7 pm

BBQ & games



Thursday, 27 June

8 - 9 am


9:15 - 12.15 pm

The workshops run parallel! Please choose your favourite when you register.

1st Workshop: Basics of Science Communication (Volker Hahn)
Learn how to build a science communication strategy (purpose, goals, target groups, communication channels, topic, style) and start building your own. For inspiration, we will look into the communication strategies of other researchers and the communication tools they use (including social media).

2nd Workshop: Make an impact! Motivation and Mental Health for Early Career Researchers (Maik Goth)
Working on your PhD thesis is like climbing the summit of the highest mountain: it takes time, energy and commitment. Every once in a while, when your energy is low or your motivation lags behind, you might ask yourselves: "Does my research have any relevance – for science and society, for my life and career? Is there any sense in going to such extraordinary lengths just to get a PhD?" Don’t let this get you off track! This interactive and pragmatic workshop demonstrates how you can stay motivated and take care of your mental health in order to master the challenges of your PhD journey.

12:15 - 1:15 pm


1:15 - 4:30 pm

The workshops run parallel! Please choose your favourite when you register.

3rd Workshop: Visualizing science (Chloé Schmidt & Martha Paola Barajas Barbosa)
Visualization is an important aspect of communicating scientific work to wider audiences, including those inside and outside specific fields of study. Visualizations are helpful for enhancing our understanding of not only data and results, but concepts as well. From presentations to posters, graphical abstracts, and conceptual figures, the ability to design imagery not directly produced from data is an important component of a researcher’s skill set. In this course, we will discuss and practice basic principles of art and graphic design, strategies to create images that effectively communicate ideas, and tools and resources that scientists can use for illustration and visualization.

4th Workshop: Your pathway to impact (Andrea Perino)
As early career researches, it happens that we reach a point where it all seems pointless.
We don’t know if the project we’re putting so much effort into will yield anything useful. We don’t see how our results may benefit anyone. We wonder if our question is designed to create research that is „novel“ much more than that it is designed to be actually relevant. All of this can not only affect our motivation and drive but also our mental health. And the fact that family and friends look at us blankly when we try to explain what we do doesn’t make things any better.
In this hands-on workshop you will develop your personal pathway to impact.

5 - 7 pm

Free time & activities

from 7

Dinner & camp fire & games



Friday, 28 June

8 - 9 am

Breakfast and vacate rooms

9:30 - 11 am

Presentations by the workshop groups
Workshop participants
Moderated by Pratyaksh Singh & Konstantin Reisner

11 - 12 pm


Feedback session
Moderated by yDiv

12 - 1 pm


from 1

Hike or departure

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