Using LinkedIn’s Data to your advantage



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22 September 2022, 2:00 - 4:00 pm

25/ Attend 5 spotlights and receive 1 CP


Most people know the power of big Data behind Google but not many people think about all the data behind LinkedIn. With its 400 Million users and all its company profiles, LinkedIn is full of information most normal users ignore. For this reason, this Career Spotlight will show you the many ways in which you can use information readily available on LinkedIn to improve your profile, your applications, and your overall strategy in finding a job. We will learn to use the powerful search engine, speak the language of the algorithm for better profiles, analyze company pages and job postings, and learn how to be found by recruiters.


Maia George

... is a researcher in the field of the ethical and political philosophy of science. She is also an academic coach covering topics like science communication, social media within academia, scientific reflection, time and self-management and scholarship application. The goal of both her research and her work is to contribute to the betterment of science, research and their corresponding institutions.

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