German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

sMon - Analysing trends in German species data

PIs: Aletta Bonn; Helge Bruelheide; Florian Jansen; Marten Winter

Associated postdocs: Reinhard Klenke, Shawan Chowdhury, Jana Bürger

Associated PhD students: Lina Lüttgert

Technician: Volker Grescho

Alumni: Jürgen Dengler, David Eichenberg, Diana Bowler

Project partners

sMon is a Synthesis Project of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. We aim at combining and harmonizing exemplary datasets of different taxa and habitats and to evaluate the potentials and limits for analyzing changes in the state of biodiversity  in Germany. based on these insights, we will derive perspective for future biodiversity monitoring programs in Germany.


  • Many species in Germany are are  threatened  or endangered and many indicators point at an progressive loss in species occurrences and/or abundances 
  • statistically sound data for changes in biodiversity is lacking for most species grooups in Germany or such information is only available in coarse scales


  • Screening, harmonizing and integrating heterogeneous time series data from different sources and from exemplary species groups (e.g. vascular plants, amphibians, orthopterans)
  • Development of statistical methods to derive statistically sound trends for species from these taxa based on this heterogeneous data
  • Assisting in the indentification of statistical cornerstones for the collection of biodiversity data within an efficient future biodiversity monitoring scheme in Germany


  • We will focus on data from federal agencies, nature conservation organisations and professional societiesfor the exemplay taxa as well as scientific institutions
  • we will carry out exemplary time-series analyses  based on non-systematic, non- random and potentially spatially and temporally misaligned species-observation data. Here, we will account for the heterogeneity in the methods and the origin of the data. Moreover, we will try to integrate potential drivers for the changes in biodiversity data
  • We will identify gaps in existing data and assist in developping potential improvements for future data assessment
  • In cooperation with stakeholders from a variety of organisations and experts in data analysis, we will organize regular sDiv-Workshops to bring together a broad spectrum of knowledge and expertise

Other Documents

Flyer: sMon Biodiversitätstrends in Deutschland


Ecological imbalance: How plant diversity in Germany has changed in the past century

Researchers evaluate plant population data between 1927 and 2020

Please find a short overview about the results of our new sMon study just published in the following press release or read the article directly in Nature.

Beside this Lina Lüttgert and colleagues have just published a new article about gains and losses of plant species revealed by analyses of repeated habitat mapping data:


Dr. Reinhard Klenke
sMon Coordination

iDiv Halle-Jena-Leipzig
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Department of Geobotany and Botanical Garden
Am Kirchtor 1
06108 Halle (Saale)

+49 345 5526199

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