11th Call for ECR and SynFlex Projects - 9 projects funded

Following our 11th Call, sDiv has received 15 pre-proposals for early career working groups and 13 pre-proposals for SynFlex projects. Six applicants for early career working groups as well as seven applicants for SynFlex projects received a positive evaluation of their pre-proposal and were invited to submit a full proposal.

After intensive discussions of the internal and external reviews of proposals of very high scientific quality, the sDiv Evaluation Board has decided to support four early career working groups and five SynFlex projects.

Congratulations to our new sDiv working groups and future sDiv collaborators!


Funded early career working groups

sFutures - Integrating functional and phylogenetic underpinnings into restoration science
main PIs:
Magda Garbowski, University of Wyoming, USA
Emma Ladouceur, iDiv, DE

sPectra - The major dimensions of plant spectral variation
main PIs:
Shan Kothari, Université du Québec à Montréal, CA
Teja Kattenborn, Leipzig University, DE

sConsume - How does biodiversity drive disease and herbivory in a changing world?
main PIs:
Fletcher Halliday, University of Zürich, CH
Suz Everingham, University of Bern, CH
Mayank Kohli, National Centre for Biological Sciences, IN

sFragment - Disentangling effects of fragmentation and habitat loss on functional diversity
main PI:
Andres Felipe Suarez Castro, Griffith University, AU


Funded SynFlex projects

sTime - The dynamics of community turnover across space and time
main PIs:
Pincelli Hull, Yale University, USA
Erin Saupe, University of Oxford, UK
Marina Rillo, University of Oldenburg, DE

sIBTEDS - Illuminating Blindspots Through Equitable Data reuse practices in the global South
main PIs:
Stephanie Jurburg, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research Leipzig, DE
Silvia Garaycochea, Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agricola (INIA), UY
Eva Figuerola, University of Buenos Aires, AR

sBombus - leveraging artificial intelligence for global bumble bee monitoring and conservation
main PIs:
Brian Spiesman, Kansas State University, USA
Tiffany Knight, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, DE
Christina Grozinger, Pennsylvania State University, USA

sSCAT - Fit-for-purpose models and frameworks for understanding and managing diverse social-ecological area-based conservation systems
main PIs:
Alta De Vos, Stellenbosch University, ZA
Graeme Cumming, James Cook University, AU

sARDINE - spAtial tRenDs IN fish Ethodiversity
main PI:
Christopher Monk, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, DE

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