German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)


Students can visit our lab to perform internships at any time. Interns can learn a multitude of methods in chemical ecology with particular focus on induced defense and above- belowground interactions. Interns can learn how to ask scientific questions, to design respective experiments, to conduct experiments in the field or in the lab, and to analyze the data with statistical methods. Please send your applications to the respective project leader if your interested in a specific research project, else to Susann Görth.

BSc & MSc theses

In our research group, we warmly welcome BSc and MSc students from all over the world. We offer thesis projects that match with our current research projects on the chemical and molecular ecology of plant-herbivore-microbe interactions. Depending on your scientific interests, the period of your thesis project and your learning goals, the project could be more lab or field oriented. Bioinformatic projects are also possible; in that case, we will ask one of our colleagues of the Bioinformatics unit at iDiv to co-supervise you.

Got interested? Please directly contact the PhD student or postdoctoral researcher on your project of interest by e-mail or telephone, or mail a short statement of interest and your CV to Ms Susann Goerth

Open positions


Open PhD position at MIE

Molecular Interaction Ecology research group at iDiv is hiring a Doctoral Researcher (m/f/d) to join a project "Biodiversity effects on leaf and litter metabolomes" (P6G). The project is embedded in The DFG-funded International Research Training Group GRK 2324 "TreeDì - Tree Diversity Interactions: The role of tree-tree interactions in local neighbourhoods in Chinese subtropical forests" (

We are looking for a motivated and independent candidate with an MSc degree in biology, plant sciences or related fields and experience with biological experimentation as well as chemical analyses of plants. For the full advertisement and contact details, follow this link.

Deadline for application: 17 January 2022


There are currently no vacancies.

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