iDiv Publikationen
Publikationen 2024
Ray, Tama, Fichtner, Andreas, Kunz, Matthias, Proß, Tobias, Bradler, Pia M., Bruelheide, Helge, Georgi, Louis, Haider, Sylvia, Hildebrand, Michaela, Potvin, Catherine, Schnabel, Florian, Trogisch, Stefan, von Oheimb, Goddert (2024): Diversity-enhanced canopy space occupation and leaf functional diversity jointly promote overyielding in tropical tree communities. Science of the Total Environment
Yi, Huimin, Eisenhauer, Nico, Austen, Jan Christoph, Rebollo, Roberto, Ray, Tama, Bönisch, Elisabeth, von Oheimb, Goddert, Fichtner, Andreas, Schuldt, Andreas, Patoine, Guillaume, Ferlian, Olga (2024): Tree diversity and mycorrhizal type co-determine multitrophic ecosystem functions. Journal of Ecology