Wir untersuchen, wie wirtschaftliche Anreize das Verhalten gegenüber der Natur beeinflussen, was Nachhaltigkeit – verstanden als Gerechtigkeit in den Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Natur – bedeutet und wie wirtschaftspolitische Instrumente zu diesem Ziel beitragen können. Unsere methodische Expertise umfasst quantitative ökologisch-ökonomische Modellierung, dynamische Optimierung, Statistik, ökonomische Experimente, konzeptionelle Modellierung, Spieltheorie und Kapitaltheorie.
Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
Towards a comprehensive valuation of natural capital in Germany: Methods and approaches to deal with limited information and uncertainty (ValuGaps)
Marine ecological-economic systems in the Western Baltic Sea and beyond: Shifting the baseline to a regime of sustainability (marEEshift)
Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte
Food security and sustained coastal livelihoods through linking land and ocean (FOCUS)
Scenarios of Marine Biodiversity and Evolution under Exploitation and climate change (SOMBEE)
Social-Ecological Tipping Points of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System, Economic Repercussions and Governance Strategies (Humboldt-Tipping)
Adaptation of the Western Baltic Coastal Fishery to Climate Change (balt_ADAPT)
Setup of international cooperations: Spoiling Fish as Food: Harmful Algal Blooms in Lake Victoria
A first carbon based risk assessment on mesopelagic resources, stressors and protection (CO2Meso)
LEarning About Cloud modification under risk and uncertainty: Investigation of feasibility, traceability, Incentives and de-centralised governance of limited-area climate engineering (LEAC – II)