Häufig gestellte Fragen
Bei der Vorbereitung eines sDiv-Arbeitsgruppentreffens tauchen einige Fragen häufiger auf als andere. Die folgenden Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen wurden zusammengestellt, um Sie bei der Vorbereitung auf Ihr Treffen zu unterstützen. Da es sich bei sDiv-Arbeitsgruppen um einen internationalen Kontext handelt, sind die Fragen nur auf Englisch verfügbar. Wenn Sie Ihre Frage hier nicht finden, zögern Sie bitte nicht, das sDiv-Team zu kontaktieren.
Tasks of sDiv and Participants
Tasks of sDiv
Tasks of Participants
Registration Process
I agreed to participate in an sDiv working group. When will sDiv contact me regarding the meeting?
With receiving the official iDiv invitation which other information do I need to provide?
If I need a visa, what do I have to do?
I will only attend remotely, do I have to register?
I work at iDiv, do I have to register?
I registered for a previous meeting at sDiv, do I need to register again?
What happens if I do not register?
Trip to Leipzig
Do I need to arrange for accommodation in Leipzig?
Do I need to book my flight/train to Leipzig by myself?
When shall I book my travel and do I have to inform sDiv before?
I want to combine other visits with the sDiv meeting. How does that affect the reimbursement of my travel costs?
Your reimbursement rules seem rather strict, why is that?
Can I get paid for my travel expenses in advance?
I have to cancel my participation – who bears the cancellation fees and who needs to be informed?
If I miss my flight/train, what consequences will I face regarding reimbursement?
Stay in Leipzig
How do I get to the sDiv group hotel?
How do I organise transport in Leipzig?
Will public transport tickets be reimbursed?
How do I learn about the meeting’s timetable?
Will there be meals provided during the meeting?
Will there be time for leisure activities?
Reimbursement Process
Do I need to keep the validated tickets?
Will taxi rides be reimbursed?
Can I send my reimbursement documents via email?
How do I claim the daily meal allowance? (Only applies to external guests not working at iDiv or living in Leipzig)
Questions of PIs
Whom do I need to inform in case of participant replacement, cancellation or additional participants?
What kind of technical support does sDiv provide?
How many meeting rooms are available for the meeting?