Pratyaksh Singh



Martin-Luther–Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Puschstraße 4
04103 Leipzig

Raum: B.01.09


iDiv Publikationen


November 2022- Present

PhD student at iDiv, investigating the experimental evolution of inherited symbionts in novel hosts

August 2022- October 2022

The spread of Phoxinus, an ecologically important schooling fish, in the River Sieg and its territories


MSc thesis at Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels (LIB) Bonn, titled “Interspecific differences in host finding traits in Nasonia wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea:Pteromalidae: Pteromalinae)” supervised by Dr. Ralph S Peters and Dr. Lars Podsiadlowski

January 2020-July 2020

Internship at Zoological Research Museum Alexander König (ZFMK), Bonn, Germany on “Diversity, biology and species delimitation of Afro-tropical parasitoid wasps “Supervisor: Dr. Ralph S Peters

June 2019

Field work at Eifel National Park, Kottenforst, and Bad Honnef, Germany. Evolution, Diversity, and Biology of Arthropods Module


Elite fellowship at Th!nk Lab, Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, India worked on “Understanding the symbiosis between earthworm (E. fetida) and its gut Cellulolytic bacteria”


Part-time research project at Th!nk Lab, Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, India focused on “Understanding bee diversity and ecology in New Delhi”

June 2017-July 2017

Summer fellowship at the Plant Biotechnology Lab, University of Delhi, India focused on “DNA barcoding of Medicinal Plants “Research advisor: Prof. Dr. S.B. Babbar, Akanksha Priya


Innovation fellowship at University of Delhi, India. Research focused on “Development of low-cost, robust, portable water purifier prototype with Physical, chemical and biological filtration for field water disinfection and portable water generation in natural calamity affected zones with harsh conditions