Dr. Julian Sagebiel



Universität Leipzig


Puschstraße 4
04103 Leipzig

Raum: B.03.19



  • Environmental Valuation
  • Stated Preferences Methods
  • Microeconometrics


Curriculum Vitae

You can find a complete CV including publications here.
since 2022 Postdoc, German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig
2020-2022 Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
2017 – 2020 Lecturer, Technische Universität Berlin
2013 – 2017 Researcher, Institute for Ecological Economy Research Berlin
2009 – 2013: Researcher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2011 – 2017 PhD in Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2003 – 2008 Diploma in Economics, Otto-von-Guericke-Universtit ̈at Magdeburg



Winter term 2022/2023:

Summer term 2023:

  • „Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Assess the Value of Urban Green“


Publikationen vor iDiv

Malte Welling, Ewa Zawojska, and Julian Sagebiel. Information, consequentiality and credibility in stated preference surveys: A choice experiment on climate adaptation. Environmental and Resource Economics, 82(1):257–283, 2022

Helen Rogers, Julian Sagebiel, Zoe Marshman, Helen Rodd, and Donna Rowen. Adolescent valuation of caries-qc-u: a child-centred preference-based measure of dental caries. Health and quality of life outcomes, 20(18), 2022

Marek Giergiczny, Sviataslau Valasiuk, Wiktor Kotowski, Halina Galera, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Julian Sagebiel, Wendelin Wichtmann, and Ewa Jablónska. Re-meander, rewet, rewild! An overwhelming support for restoring small rivers in three Baltic Sea basin countries. Accepted in Restoration Ecology

Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Julian Sagebiel, Jens Rommel, and Roland Olschewski. Types of collective action problems and farmers’ willingness to accept agri-environmental schemes in switzerland. Ecosystem Services, 50:101304, 2021.

Kai Rommel and Julian Sagebiel. Are consumer preferences for attributes of alter- native vehicles sufficiently accounted for in current policies? Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 10:100385, 2021

Julian Sagebiel, Klaus Glenk, and Jürgen Meyerhoff. Does the place of residence affect land use preferences? Evidence from a choice experiment in Germany. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 9(3):283–304, 2020

Julian Sagebiel, Lukas Karok, Julian Grund, and Jens Rommel. Clean environments as a social norm: A field experiment on cigarette littering. Environmental Research Communications, 2(9):091002, 2020

Erik Fruth, Michele Kvistad, Joe Marshall, Lena Pfeifer, Luisa Rau, Julian Sagebiel, Daniel Soto, John Tarpey, Jessica Weir, and Bradyn Winiarski. Discrete choice experiment data for street-level urban greening in Berlin. Data in Brief, 28:105027, 2020

Erik Fruth, Michele Kvistad, Joe Marshall, Lena Pfeifer, Luisa Rau, Julian Sagebiel, Daniel Soto, John Tarpey, Jessica Weir, and Bradyn Winiarski. Economic valuation of street-level urban greening: A case study from an evolving mixed-use area in Berlin. Land Use Policy, 89:104237, 2019

Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Julian Sagebiel, and Roland Olschewski. Bringing the neighbors in: A choice experiment on the influence of coordination and social norms on farmers’ willingness to accept agro-environmental schemes across Europe. Land Use Policy, 84:200– 215, 2019

Klaus Glenk, Robert J. Johnston, Jürgen Meyerhoff, and Julian Sagebiel. Spatial dimen- sions of stated preference valuation in environmental and resource economics: Methods, trends and challenges. Environmental and Resource Economics, 75(2):215–242, 2019

Jan Knoefel, Julian Sagebiel, Özgür Yildiz, Jakob R. Müller, and Jens Rommel. A consumer perspective on corporate governance in the energy transition: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Germany. Energy Economics, 75:440–448, 2018

Amely Gundlach, Marius Ehrlinspiel, Svenja Kirsch, Alexander Koschker, and Julian Sagebiel. Investigating people’s preferences for car-free city centers: A discrete choice experiment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 63:677–688, 2018

Malte Müller, Markus Hanisch, Agustina Malvido, Jens Rommel, and Julian Sagebiel. The structural effect of cooperatives on price volatility in the European dairy sector. Applied Economics Letters, 25(8):576–579, 2018

Marin Rayanov, Alexandra Dehnhardt, Manon Glockmann, Volkmar Hartje, Jesko Hirschfeld, Maria Lindow, Julian Sagebiel, Julia Thiele, and Malte Welling. The economic value of river landscapes for recreational use: A willingness-to-pay study in four regions in germany. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung, 62(6):410–422, 2018

Ranjan Ghosh, Yugank Goyal, Jens Rommel, and Julian Sagebiel. Are small firms willing to pay for improved power supply? Evidence from a contingent valuation study in India. Energy Policy, 109:659–665, 2017

Kai Rommel and Julian Sagebiel. Preferences for micro-cogeneration in Germany: Policy implications for grid expansion from a discrete choice experiment. Applied Energy, 206:612– 622, 2017

Julian Sagebiel. Preference heterogeneity in energy discrete choice experiments: A review on methods for model selection. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 69:804–811, 2017

Julian Sagebiel, Klaus Glenk, and Jürgen Meyerhoff. Spatially explicit demand for afforestation. Forest Policy and Economics, 78:190–199, 2017

Christian Kimmich and Julian Sagebiel. Empowering irrigation: A game-theoretic approach to electricity utilization in Indian agriculture. Utilities Policy, 43:174–185, 2016

Julian Sagebiel, Carmen Schwartz, Mounaim Rhozyel, Sandra Rajmis,and Jesko Hirschfeld. Economic valuation of Baltic marine ecosystem services: blind spots and limited consistency. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73(4):991–1003, 2016

Jens Rommel, Julian Sagebiel, and Jakob R. Müller. Quality uncertainty and the market for renewable energy: Evidence from German consumers. Renewable Energy, 94:106–113, August 2016

Nicholas Magliocca, Jasper Van Vliet, Calum Brown, Tom Evans, Thomas Houet, Peter Messerli, Joseph Messina, Kimberly Nicholas, Christine Ornetsmüller, Julian Sagebiel, et al. From meta-studies to modeling: Using synthesis knowledge to build broadly applicable process-based land change models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 72:10–20, 2015

Julian Sagebiel, Jakob R. Müller, and Jens Rommel. Are consumers willing to pay more for electricity from cooperatives? Results from an online Choice Experiment in Germany. Energy Research & Social Science, 2:90–101, June 2014

Julian Sagebiel and Kai Rommel. Preferences for electricity supply attributes in emerging megacities — Policy implications from a discrete choice experiment of private households in Hyderabad, India. Energy for Sustainable Development, 21:89–99, August 2014

Markus Hanisch, Christian Kimmich, Jens Rommel, and Julian Sagebiel. Coping with power scarcity in an emerging megacity: A consumers’ perspective from Hyderabad. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 33(3/4):189–204, 2010

iDiv Publikationen

Publikationen 2024

Zawojska, Ewa, Welling, Malte, Sagebiel, Julian (2024): Effects of Varying the Location of Perceived Consequentiality Elicitation in a Discrete Choice Experiment Survey. Land Economics

Publikationen 2023

Kliem, Lea, Sagebiel, Julian (2023): Consumers' preferences for commons-based and open-source produce: A discrete choice experiment with directional information manipulations. Food Policy

Welling, Malte, Sagebiel, Julian, Rommel, Jens (2023): Information processing in stated preference surveys: A case study on urban gardens. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Publikationen 2022

Rommel, Jens, Sagebiel, Julian, Baaken, Marieke Cornelia, Barreiro-Hurlé, Jesús, Bougherara, Douadia, Cembalo, Luigi, Cerjak, Marija, Čop, Tajana, Czajkowski, Mikołaj, Espinosa-Goded, María, Höhler, Julia, Kuhfuss, Laure, Lagerkvist, Carl-Johan, Lapierre, Margaux, Lefebvre, Marianne, Matzdorf, Bettina, Ott, Edward, Paparella, Antonio, Quendler, Erika, Rodriguez-Entrena, Macario, Schulze, Christoph, Šumrada, Tanja, Tensi, Annika, Thoyer, Sophie, Maksan, Marina Tomić, Vecchio, Riccardo, Willinger, Marc, Zagórska, Katarzyna (2022): Farmers' risk preferences in 11 European farming systems: A multi-country replication of Bocquého et al. (2014). Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

Rommel, Jens, Schulze, Christoph, Matzdorf, Bettina, Sagebiel, Julian, Wechner, Vera (2022): Learning about German farmers’ willingness to cooperate from public goods games and expert predictions. Q Open