Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ
Puschstraße 4
04103 Leipzig
Raum: A.02.04
E-Mail: jonna.heuschele@idiv.de
iDiv Publikationen
Publikationen 2024
Narimanov, Nijat, Heuschele, Jonna M., Entling, Martin H., Menzel, Florian, Mestre, Laia (2024): Differential Effects of Ephemeral and Stable Predator Chemical Cues on Spider Antipredator Behaviour. Journal of Chemical Ecology
Maurer, Corina, Martínez-Núñez, Carlos, Dominik, Christophe, Heuschele, Jonna, Liu, Yicong, Neumann, Peter, Paxton, Robert J., Pellissier, Loïc, Proesmans, Willem, Schweiger, Oliver, Szentgyörgyi, Hajnalka, Vanbergen, Adam, Albrecht, Matthias (2024): Landscape simplification leads to loss of plant–pollinator interaction diversity and flower visitation frequency despite buffering by abundant generalist pollinators. Diversity and Distributions