Universität Leipzig
Puschstraße 4
04103 Leipzig
Raum: B.00.23
E-Mail: guillaume.patoine@idiv.de
Telefon: +49 341 9733172
iDiv Publikationen
Publikationen 2024
Yi, Huimin, Eisenhauer, Nico, Austen, Jan Christoph, Rebollo, Roberto, Ray, Tama, Bönisch, Elisabeth, von Oheimb, Goddert, Fichtner, Andreas, Schuldt, Andreas, Patoine, Guillaume, Ferlian, Olga (2024): Tree diversity and mycorrhizal type co-determine multitrophic ecosystem functions. Journal of Ecology
Publikationen 2022
Cazalis, Victor, Di Marco, Moreno, Butchart, Stuart H. M., Akçakaya, H. Reşit, González-Suárez, Manuela, Meyer, Carsten, Clausnitzer, Viola, Böhm, Monika, Zizka, Alexander, Cardoso, Pedro, Schipper, Aafke M., Bachman, Steven P., Young, Bruce E., Hoffmann, Michael, Benítez-López, Ana, Lucas, Pablo M., Pettorelli, Nathalie, Patoine, Guillaume, Pacifici, Michela, Jörger-Hickfang, Theresa, Brooks, Thomas M., Rondinini, Carlo, Hill, Samantha L. L., Visconti, Piero, Santini, Luca (2022): Bridging the research-implementation gap in IUCN Red List assessments. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Patoine, Guillaume, Eisenhauer, Nico, Cesarz, Simone, Phillips, Helen R. P., Xu, Xiaofeng, Zhang, Lihua, Guerra, Carlos A. (2022): Drivers and trends of global soil microbial carbon over two decades. Nature Communications
Publikationen 2021
Smith, Linnea C., Orgiazzi, Alberto, Eisenhauer, Nico, Cesarz, Simone, Lochner, Alfred, Jones, Arwyn, Bastida, Felipe, Patoine, Guillaume, Reitz, Thomas, Buscot, François, Rillig, Matthias C., Heintz-Buschart, Anna, Lehmann, Anika, Guerra, Carlos A. (2021): Large-scale drivers of relationships between soil microbial properties and organic carbon across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Publikationen 2020
Guerra, Carlos A., Heintz-Buschart, A., Sikorski, J., Chatzinotas, Antonis, Guerrero-Ramirez, N., Cesarz, Simone, Beaumelle, L., Rillig, M. C., Maestre, F. T., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Buscot, François, Overmann, J., Patoine, Guillaume, Phillips, Helen R. P., Winter, Marten, Wubet, Tesfaye, Kusel, Kirsten, Bardgett, R. D., Cameron, E. K., Cowan, D., Grebenc, T., Marin, C., Orgiazzi, A., Singh, B. K., Wall, D. H., Eisenhauer, Nico (2020): Blind spots in global soil biodiversity and ecosystem function research. Nature Communications
Patoine, Guillaume, Bruelheide, Helge, Haase, Josephine, Nock, Charles, Ohlmann, Niklas, Schwarz, Benjamin, Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael, Eisenhauer, Nico (2020): Tree litter functional diversity and nitrogen concentration enhance litter decomposition via changes in earthworm communities. Ecology and Evolution
Publikationen 2019
Cameron, Erin K., Martins, Inês S., Lavelle, Patrick, Mathieu, Jérôme, Tedersoo, Leho, Bahram, Mohammad, Gottschall, Felix, Guerra, Carlos A., Hines, Jes, Patoine, Guillaume, Siebert, Julia, Winter, Marten, Cesarz, Simone, Ferlian, Olga, Kreft, Holger, Lovejoy, Thomas E., Montanarella, Luca, Orgiazzi, Alberto, Pereira, Henrique Miguel, Phillips, Helen R. P., Settele, Josef, Wall, Diana H., Eisenhauer, Nico (2019): Global mismatches in aboveground and belowground biodiversity. Conservation Biology
Publikationen 2018
Cameron, Erin K., Martins, Inês S., Lavelle, Patrick, Mathieu, Jérôme, Tedersoo, Leho, Gottschall, Felix, Guerra, Carlos A., Hines, Jes, Patoine, Guillaume, Siebert, Julia, Winter, Marten, Cesarz, Simone, Delgado-Baquerizo, Manuel, Ferlian, Olga, Fierer, Noah, Kreft, Holger, Lovejoy, Thomas E., Montanarella, Luca, Orgiazzi, Alberto, Pereira, Henrique Miguel, Phillips, Helen R. P., Settele, Josef, Wall, Diana H., Eisenhauer, Nico (2018): Global gaps in soil biodiversity data. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Publikationen 2017
Patoine, Guillaume, Thakur, Madhav P., Friese, Julia, Nock, Charles, Hönig, Lydia, Haase, Josephine, Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael, Eisenhauer, Nico (2017): Plant litter functional diversity effects on litter mass loss depend on the macro-detritivore community. Pedobiologia
Wissenschaftliche Laufbahn
October 2019 – present
PhD student
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Synthesis Centre sDiv, Leipzig, Germany
June 2018 – September 2019
Scientific staff
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, Synthesis Centre sDiv, Leipzig, Germany
October 2014 – June 2018
Master of Science in Ecology
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
September 2011 – May 2014
Bachelor of Science Honours in Environmental Science
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada