sOcioLock-in - Understanding the undesirable resilience in socio-ecological systems driving biodiversity loss

First meeting: 05.-08.02.2018

Tom Oliver
Emily Boyd

iDiv member:
Josef Settele
Volker Grimm

Project summary:
Intensive food production systems are rapidly expanding around the globe and driving a loss of biodiversity. Despite efforts to address the negative impacts of these systems and transition them to more sustainable states, they appear highly resistant. This working group will take an interdisciplinary systems perspective to identify mechanisms that ‘lock-in’ food systems to states which drive biodiversity declines. We will uncover combinations of solutions that are more likely to be successful in ‘tipping’ systems to more sustainable states.

Michael Asquith (European Environment Agency); Wijnand Boonstra (Stockholm Resilience Centre); Emily Boyd (LUCSUS); John Michael Denney (University of Massachusetts); André Dornelles (University of Reading); Volker Grimm (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ); Anke Jentsch (University of Bayreuth); Lutta Muhammad (Kenya Agr and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)); Kimberly Nicholas (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies); Tom Oliver (University of Reading); Ralf Seppelt (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ); Josef Settele (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ); Nancy Shackelford (University of Colorado); Rachel Standish (Murdoch University)

Meeting report

Second meeting: 05.-08.06.2018

Wijnand Boonstra (Stockholm Resilience Centre); Emily Boyd (LUCSUS); Izabela Delabre (Zoological Society of London); John Michael Denney (University of Massachusetts); André Dornelles (University of Reading); Volker Grimm (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ); Anke Jentsch (University of Bayreuth); Kimberly Nicholas (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies); Tom Oliver (University of Reading); Matthias Schröter (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ); Ralf Seppelt (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ); Josef Settele (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ); Rachel Standish (Murdoch University)

Meeting report


Dornelles, A. (2020) Towards a bridging concept for undesirable resilience in social-ecological systems. Global Sustainability, 3, E20. See here

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