Scientific Writing Workshop



Course Dates

Students admitted / Credit Points

The registration is closed

Rudolf Schoenheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Johannisallee 30, Room D301/302, 3.OG

February 4/5, 2019

n.a. / 0.5 CP


This Science Craft workshop takes place in cooperation with the Integrated Research Training Group “Obesity Mechanisms“

This two-day workshop enables life scientists to communicate their research clearly and effectively. Each participant receives a workshop manual and exercise book intended to serve as long-term reference material. Additionally, writing samples from each participant are edited by the class instructor and integrated into the workshop.

Before the workshop, participants are asked to choose a published research article of interest from their own research field. They also provide a short sample of their own writing comprising an abstract and title (max. 250 words) either from a manuscript currently in preparation or describing their research so far. Early stage PhD students may choose to submit an outline of their proposed project.

Didactic aims/ competencies gained
Through numerous writing examples and relevant exercises as well as class discussions, participants learn how to describe their research findings in a publication containing a flowing narrative with a clear “take home message”.

Didactic elements
Participants are provided with a clear “road-map” to help them write their next research article in an efficient and painless manner.Integration of selected research articles ensures that workshop activities are even more relevant to participants' specific fields of research.Participants receive extensive edits and comments on their own writing sample from the trainer.

For further details, the workshop instructor can be contacted directly: Dr. Brian Cusack,


Dr Brian Cusack

After completing his first postdoc at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, Brian conducted post-doctoral research in evolutionary genomics at the Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin. In February 2012, together with Rick Scavetta, Brian co-founded Science Craft in Berlin.

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