CompPhylo - Model-based inference in Phylogeography from single species to communities



Course Dates

Maximum number of participants / Credit Points

The registration is closed

iDiv Leipzig

Postponed to 2021

16 / 1 CP


CompPhylo workshops are designed to introduce a myriad of tools for making statistical inference about historical processes using genetic/genomic data. After introducing statistical approaches in model-based inferences, participants will be introduced to inference frameworks that span taxonomic scales from single-species demographic inference, to multi-species comparative analysis, to inference at the scale of the whole community. Participants will also get hands on experience using approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) several machine learning (ML) techniques. For more info click here.

Didactic aims/ competencies gained

Participants will gain experience with HPC/cloud computing, jupyter notebooks for reproducible scientific workflows, python/R programming, statistical inference with both ABC and ML, and competency with multiple population genetics/phylogenetics software tools (e.g. PCA, RAxML, STRUCTURE, MESS, PTA).

Didactic elements

This workshop will be a mix of lecture and hands-on sessions.

Prior knowledge needed

CompPhylo workshops assume no prior knowledge, though basic linux command line experience is very helpful.


Dr Isaac Overcast

... is a computational biologist with a special interest in understanding feedbacks between ecological and evolutionary processes. He is currently a postdoc in the Morlon group at Institut de Biologie de l’Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, where he is developing theory and models of island biodiversity genomics.

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