Career and Competencies Development for Female Scientists



Course Dates

Students admitted / Credit Points

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iDiv Leipzig, Deutscher Platz 5a, room Symbiosis

5 December 2017, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

20 students / 0,25 ECTS credits


In order to navigate the challenging waters of forging a career in academia that is competitive with the contemporary developments of academic professionalism, female scientists in particular need to have a solid understanding of their competencies and how they translate – literally and figuratively – into CVs and cover letters in order to increase their visibility, networking skills and competitiveness in the market. During this workshop, we will identify profession critical competencies and analyze the participants’ core competencies. At the end of the workshop, each participant will have created an individual profile of core competencies. We will also examine the principles behind successful professional networking strategies, with a particular focus on confident self- representation.


Susanne Skoruppa

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