German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
02.11.2018 | MIE Group News, EcoMetEoR

MIE and EcoMetEoR welcome Abigail Moreno-Pedraza and Diandro Ricardo Barilli

Abigail Moreno-Pedraza & Diandro Ricardo Barilli

Abigail Moreno-Pedraza & Diandro Ricardo Barilli

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For the next months, Abigail Moreno-Pedraza (CINVESTAV, Mexico) and Diandro Ricardo Barilli (UNESP, Brazil) stay with us as guest researchers of the EcoMetEoR platform. Abigail will use her time in our group to study the metabolome of different genotypes of Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), with a special interest in tropane alkaloids and flower volatiles. In the same period Diandro will study differences in the secondary metabolome of different genotypes of cassava (Manihot esculenta), and how these differences can possibly affect interactions with insect-herbivores. For more information on the EcoMetEoR platform click here.
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