Christian Krause

Technical Employee (HPC Cluster)

Scientific Computing Services


I offer consulting and seminars, among others, for the following topics:

  • workflow development from initial design to result validation
  • data management from acquisition to archival
  • performance analysis and optimization
  • reproducible research practices

High-Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster


I am, together with colleagues from the UFZ, responsible for the maintenance of the HPC cluster. This work includes:

  • introduce iDiv scientists to working with the HPC cluster
  • software installation and updates
  • job scheduling optimization

Open Science Support


I help iDiv scientists with open science practices in their projects, i.e. creating open source scientific software with free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) practices:
  • software project maintenance
  • version control (git)
  • legal help regarding licensing and contributor license agreements (CLA)
  • software testing / continuous integration (CI)
  • continuous deployment (CD)

I also help with reproducible research practices when working with scientific computing infrastructure.

Icon address

Puschstrasse 4
04103 Leipzig

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+49 341 9733144
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