Dr Jose W Valdez

Postdoctoral Researcher




Valdez, J.W., Callaghan, C.T., JunkerJ., Purvis, A., Hill, S.L.L., Pereira, H.M. The undetectability of global biodiversity trends using local species richness. Ecography, doi: 10.1111/ecog.06604 (EditorsChoice)


Gould, J., García, L. F., & Valdez, J.W. Water webbing: Long-jawed spider (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) produces webs that touch the surface of ephemeral waterbodies. Ethology, doi: 10.1111/eth.13355

Comer, P.J.; Valdez, J.; Pereira, H.M.; Acosta-Muñoz, C.; Campos, F.; Bonet García, F.J.; Claros, X.; Castro, L.; Dallmeier, F.; Domic Rivadeneira, E.Y.; Gill, M.; Josse, C.; Lafuente Cartagena, I.; Langstroth, R.; Larrea-Alcázar, D.; Masur, A.; Morejon Jaramillo, G.; Navarro, L.; Novoa, S.; Prieto-Albuja, F.; Rey Ortíz, G.; Teran, M.F.; Zambrana-Torrelio, C.; Fernandez, M. Conserving Ecosystem Diversity in the Tropical Andes. Remote Sensing. 14, 2847. doi: 10.3390/rs14122847

Gould, J., Valdez, J.W. The Gollum effect: the issue of research opportunity guarding in academia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.889236

Holz, H., Segar, J., Valdez, J., Staude, Ingmar. Assessing extinction risk across the geographic ranges of plant species in Europe. Plants People Planet. 4( 3), 303– 311. doi:10.1002/ppp3.10251

Gould, J., Beranek, C., Valdez, J.W., Mahony M. Quantity versus quality: A balance between egg and clutch size among Australian amphibians in relation to other life-history variables. Austral Ecology. 47: 685-697. doi: 10.1111/aec.13154

Moersberger, H., Martin, J.G., Junker, J., Georgieva, I., Bauer, S., Beja, P., Breeze, T., Brotons, L., Bruelheide, H., Fernández, N., Fernandez, M., Jandt, U., Langer, C., Lyche Solheim, A., Maes, J., Moreira, F., Pe'er, G., Santana, J., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Smets, B., Valdez, J., McCallum, I., Pereira, H.M., Bonn, A. Europa Biodiversity Observation Network: User and Policy Needs Assessment. ARPHA Preprints 3, e84517. doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e84517.

Pereira, H.M., Junker, J., Fernández, N., Maes, J., Beja, P., Bonn, A., Breeze, T., Brotons, L., Bruehlheide, H., Buchhorn, M., Capinha, C., Chow, C., Dietrich, K., Dornelas, M., Dubois, G., Fernandez, M., Frenzel, M., Friberg, N., Fritz, S., Georgieva, I., Gobin, A., Guerra, C., Haande, S., Herrando, S., Jandt, U., Kissling, W.D., Kühn, I., Langer, C., Liquete, C., Lyche Solheim, A., Martí , D., Martin, J.G.C., Masur, A., McCallum, I., Mjelde, M., Moe, J., Moersberger, H., Morán-Ordóñez, A., Moreira, F., Musche, M., Navarro, L.M., Orgiazzi, A., Patchett, R., Penev, L., Pino, J., Popova, G., Potts, S., Ramon, A., Sandin, L., Santana, J., Sapundzhieva, A., See, L., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Smets, B., Stoev, P., Tedersoo, L., Tiimann, L., Valdez, J., Vallecillo, S., Van Grunsven, R.H.A., Van De Kerchove, R., Villero, D., Visconti, P., Weinhold, C., Zuleger, A.M., Europa Biodiversity Observation Network: integrating data streams to support policy. ARPHA Preprints 2, e81207. doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e81207.

Gould, J., García, L.F., Valdez, J.W. Dunking for droplets: Long-jawed spider (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) bungees on silk line to collect water droplet from pond using its mouthparts. Ethology. 128, 378– 381. doi: 10.1111/eth.13270


Gould, J., Valdez, J.W. Dating on your level: assortative mating based on body condition in an amphibian. Ethology Ecology & Evolution. In press.

Klop-Toker K., Valdez J.W., Stockwell M.P., Fardell, L., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Improving breed-and-release programs in the face of a threatening pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. In press.

Gould, J., Valdez, J.W., Clulow J., Clulow S. Left High and Dry: Froth Nesting Allows Eggs of an Anuran Amphibian to Complete Embryogenesis in the Absence of Free-Standing Water.Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly Copeia). 109(2), 2021, 537–544. doi: 10.1643/h2020142

Gould, J., Valdez, J.W. Locomotion with a twist: aquatic beetle walks upside-down on the underside of the water’s surface. Ethology. doi: 10.1111/eth.13203

Helenbrook, W.D., Valdez, J.W. Species distribution modeling and conservation assessment of the black-headed night monkey (Aotus nigriceps): A species of least concern that faces widespread anthropogenic threats. Primates. doi: 10.1007/s10329-021-00922-w

Valdez, J.W., Gould, J., Garnham, J.I. Global assessment of artificial habitat use by amphibian species. Biological Conservation. 257, 109129. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109129

Klop-Toker K., Callan, A., King, J.P., Beranek, C., Lenga, D., Valdez J., Clulow S., Pizzatto, L., Stockwell M.P., Clulow J., Mahony M. Reintroduction of green and golden bell frogs into created habitats on Kooragang Island, Australia, In Global conservation translocation perspectives: 2021. Case studies from around the globe. ed. P.S. Soorae, pp. 70-75. IUCN SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group, Gland, Switzerland.

Valdez, J.W. Using Google Trends to Determine Current, Past, and Future Trends in the Reptile Pet Trade. Animals. 11(3), 676. doi: 10.3390/ani11030676

Valdez, J.W., Brunbjerg, A.K., Fløjgaard, C., Dalby, L., Clausen, K.K., Pärtel, M., Pfeifer, N., Hollaus, M., Wimmer, M.H., Ejrnæs, R., Moeslund, J.E. Relationships between macro-fungal dark diversity and habitat parameters using LiDAR.Fungal Ecology. 51, 101054. doi: 10.1016/j.funeco.2021.101054

Gould, J., Valdez, J.W. Terrestrial slug uses a vertical bridge of mucus to descend rapidly from heights. Austral Ecology. doi: 10.1111/aec.13011


Valdez, J.W. Arthropods as vertebrate predators: A review of global patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 29: 1691-1703. doi:10.1111/geb.13157

Fløjgaard, C., Valdez, J.W., Dalby, L., Moeslund, J.E., Clausen, K.K., Ejrnæs, R., Pärtel, M., Brunbjerg, A. K. Dark diversity reveals importance of biotic resources and competition for plant diversity across broad environmental gradients. Ecology and Evolution 10, 6078– 6088. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6351


Valdez J.W., Mandrekar K. Assessing the Species in the CARES Preservation Program and the Role of Aquarium Hobbyists in Freshwater Fish Conservation. Fishes 4(4), 49. doi: 10.3390/fishes4040049

Valdez J.W. Predaceous diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) may affect the success of amphibian conservation efforts. Australian Journal of Zoology 66, 352-355. doi: 10.1071/ZO19039

Gould J., Valdez J.W., Clulow S. & Clulow J. Diving beetle offspring oviposited in amphibian spawn prey on the tadpoles upon hatching. Entomological Science 22, 393–397. doi: 10.1111/ens.12381

Topping C., Dalby L., Valdez J.W. Landscape-scale simulations as a tool in multi-criteria decision making to support agri-environment schemes. Agricultural Systems 176, 102671. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2019.102671

Gould J., Valdez J.W. (joint first author), Upton R. Adhesive defence mucus secretions in the red triangle slug (Triboniophorus graeffei) can incapacitate adult frogs. Ethology 125(8), 587– 591. doi: 10.1111/eth.12875

Valdez J.W., Hartig F., Fennel S., Poschlod P. The recruitment niche predicts plant community assembly across a hydrological gradient along ploughed and undisturbed transects in a former agricultural wetland. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 88. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00088

Gould J., Valdez J.W., Stockwell M.P., Clulow J., Mahony M. Mosquitoes as a potential vector for the transmission of the amphibian chytrid fungus. Zoology and Ecology 29(1), 38-44. doi: 10.35513/21658005.2019.1.5

Valdez J.W., Klop-Toker K., Stockwell M.P., Fardell, L., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Informing compensatory habitat creation with experimental trials: a 3-year study of a threatened amphibian.Oryx53(2), 310-320. doi: 10.1017/S0030605317000394


Klop-Toker K., Valdez J.W., Stockwell M.P., Edgar M., Fardell, L., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Assessing host response to disease treatment: how chytrid-susceptible frogs react to increased water salinity. Wildlife Research 44(8), 648-659. doi: 10.1071/WR16145

Fardell L., Valdez J.W., Klop-Toker K., Stockwell M., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Effects of Vegetation Density on Habitat Suitability for the Endangered Green and Golden Bell Frog, Litoria aurea. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 13(1), 47-57.


Valdez J.W., Klop-Toker K., Stockwell M.P., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Differences in microhabitat selection patterns between a remnant and constructed habitat following management intervention. Wildlife Research 44(3), 248-258. doi: 10.1071/WR16172

Klop-Toker K., Valdez J.W., Stockwell M.P., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Community level impacts of invasive mosquitofish may exacerbate the impact to a threatened amphibian. Austral Ecology43(2), 213-224. doi: 10.1111/aec.12558


Valdez J.W., Klop-Toker K., Stockwell M.P., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Microhabitat selection varies by sex and age class in the endangered green and golden bell frog Litoria aurea. Australian Zoologist 38, 223-234. doi: 10.7882/AZ.2016.031

Klop-Toker K., Valdez J.W., Stockwell M.P., Fardell, L., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. We made your bed, why won’t you lie in it? Food availability and disease affect reproductive output of a reintroduction program. PLOS ONE 11(7), e0159143. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159143


Valdez J.W., Stockwell M.P., Klop-Toker K., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Factors driving the distribution of an endangered amphibian toward an industrial landscape in Australia. Biological Conservation 191, 520-528. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.08.010

Bainbridge L., Stockwell M., Valdez J.W., Klop-Toker K., Clulow S., Clulow J., Mahony M. Tagging tadpoles: retention rates and impacts of visible implant elastomer (VIE) tags from the larval to adult amphibian stages. Herpetological Journal 25(3), 25:133-140.


Wascher C. A., Valdez J.W., Núñez Cebrián C., Baglione V., Canestrari D. Social factors modulating attention patterns in carrion crows. Behaviour 151(5), 555-572. doi: 10.1163/1568539X-0000314




Perché è impossibile capire come sta cambiando la biodiversità a livello globale.Green Report. Italy.

When biodiversity monitoring data is not good enough. European Commission. EU.

Existing data too biased to provide accurate global biodiversity trends. Innovation News Network. International.

Wie verändert sich die biologische Vielfalt weltweit? Genaue Trends zu erkennen ist derzeit kaum möglich. Informationsdienst Wissenschaft. Germany.


The Problem with Researchers Hoarding Resources. The Scientist. International.

Áreas de gran biodiversidad en los Andes tropicales no están bien representadas en las áreas protegidas.Mongabay. Latin Ameria.

Informing future conservation priorities of ecosystems in the Tropical Andes. Informationsdienst Wissenschaft. Germany.

The Gollum effect and its impacts on the scientific community.iDiv. Germany

Verteidigen Forschende ihre Arbeit wie Gollum seinen Schatz. Forschung & Lehre. Germany.

My precious! How academia’s Gollums guard their research fields.Times Higher Education. International.

Beefy Jaws May Help Some Spiders Gather Water. Inside Science. International.

Spider Seen Collecting Water, Possibly to Dunk Its Meal Like a Cookie in Milk. Gizmodo. International.


Beefy Jaws May Help Some Spiders Gather Water. Inside Science. International.

Spider Seen Collecting Water, Possibly to Dunk Its Meal Like a Cookie in Milk. Gizmodo. International.

Ten Scientific Discoveries From 2021 That May Lead to New Inventions. Smithsonian Magazine. International.

¡Es un milagro! El escarabajo capaz de caminar bajo el agua! Muy interesante. Spain.

Ce scarabée marche sous la surface de l’eau. Science & Vie. France.

Először sikerült videóra venni, hogy a vízfelszín alján sétál egy bogár. HVG.hu. Hungary.

Beetle Walks Upside-Down Underwater.The Weather Channel. International.

You Won’t Believe This Beetle’s Upside-Down Walk on Water. The New York Times. International.

Kopfüber unter Wasser. RND. Germany.

Australian Beetles Walk on the Underside of Water’s Surface. The Scientist. International.

Mardikas kõndis veepinna alaküljel. ERR.ee. Estonia.

Questo insetto appena scoperto può camminare a testa in giù sotto la superficie dell’acqua, lo studio.Green Me. Italy.

Drive with Paul Turton (Fri 9 Jul 2021). ABC Radio. Australia.

Kever loopt op z’n kop in het water. Kids Week. Netherlands.

Besouro consegue andar “de cabeça para baixo” sob a superfície da água. Zap. Portugal.

Kever ontdekt die over de onderkant van het wateroppervlak kan lopen.Scientias. Netherlands.

Beetle that can walk upside down under water surface filmed in Australia in world first. The Guardian. International.

Kuoriainen kävelee veden pinnalla – tosin pinnan alla ja ylösalaisin. Helsingin Sanomat. Finland.

Il coleottero che cammina a testa in giù sotto il pelo dell’acqua.Green Report. Italy.

Some Bugs Walk on Water, but This Talented Beetle Scurries Underneath Its Surface. Smithsonian Magazine. International.

Ce coléoptère peut marcher sous la surface de l’eau, littéralement. SciencePost. France.

Ученые обнаружили жука, который ходит по поверхности воды вверх ногами. Popmech. Russia.

This beetle can walk upside down on the underside of a pool of water.LiveScience. International.

Graban por primera vez a un escarabajo caminando boca abajo por la superficie del agua. Gizmodo. Spain.

Scoperto coleottero che cammina sulla superficie inferiore dell’acqua. Notizie Scientifiche. Italy.

Bu Böcek Suda Yürüyor. Daha İlginci, Suda Sırt Üstü Olarak Yürüyor Olması! Chip. Turkey.

眼睛又被骗了!全新视错觉向你发射星爆光线”|一周科技.Quokr.com. China.

Tiny beetle walks on the underside of the surface of water. Phys.org. International.

Beetle Filmed Walking Underwater On The Underside Of A Puddle’s Surface.IFLScience. International.

Cet insecte marche à l’envers SOUS la surface de l’eau. Futura-Sciences. France.

Aquatic beetle caught walking upside down on the undersurface of water. NewScientist. International.

Австралийский зоолог встретил жука-«антиводомерку».N+1. Russia.

L’insetto che sfida le leggi della fisica: come fa a camminare in acqua a testa in giù? Quotidiano. Italy.

VIDEO: Encuentran escarabajos que andan bocabajo por la parte inferior del agua, como si caminaran ‘por el techo’. RT Network. Spain.

This Beetle Can Walk on the Underside of Water’s Surface.Nerdist. International.

Encuentran a intrépido escarabajo camina sobre techo de aire y dentro de agua. El Imparcial. Mexico.

Rare Upside-Down Scurring Aquatic Beetle Filmed for the First Time. The Science Times. International.

В Австралии нашли жуков, ходящих по поверхности воды вверх ногами.Naked Science. Russia.

Water-Dwelling Beetles Can Walk Upside Down, Underneath the Surface of Water, Study Reveals.Sputnik News. Russia.

These beetles walk on water, upside down, underneath the surface. ScienceNews. International.

No. 4: A Late Missive from January. Gallimaufric Science Podcast. YouTube.

No. 4: A Late Missive from January.Gallimaufric Science Podcast. YouTube.

Bearded Dragon Most Popular Pet Reptile, Followed By Ball Python And Leopard Gecko, Data Shows.Reptiles Magazine. International.

Spider-Man, Spider-Pig… or Spider-Slug? Check out this slug’s new moves! BBC Newsround. UK.

Слизень из Австралии построил мостик из слизи и спустился по нему на землю. N+1. Russia.

World-First Sighting Of Slug Sliding Down Mucus Thread Like A Spider On Silk. IFLScience. International.

Slug filmed descending from vertical thread of slime in never seen before behaviour, scientists say.The Independent. UK.

Watch a slug use a thin thread of slime as a slide to reach the ground. NewScientist. February 22. International.


Die Kleinen fressen die Großen. Süddeutsche Zeitung. November 11. Germany.

Crawling out of the shadows: Arthropods as vertebrate predators. Advanced Science News. International.

Les invertébrés, ces tueurs en série.Pieuvre. Canada.

Aquarium hobbyists help save 30 species from extinction.Ratemyfishtank. International.

When Bugs Crawl Up the Food Chain.The New York Times. August 10. International. 

Cryptic Predators.Scientific American. Volume 322, Issue 2. International.

Tadpole Snacks. (Editor’s Choice in Ecology and Environment). The Scientist. Volume 34, Issue 1. International.


The Hobbyist Role in Fish Conservation. Amazonas Magazine. Volume 9, Number 1. International.

Quelli che salvano i pesci per hobby.Il Venerdì di Repubblica. November 15. Italy.

Taking C.A.R.E.S.Modern Aquarium. Volume XXVI, Number 9.  International.

The Aquarium Hobbyist’s Role in Fish Conservation.Reef to Rainforest. International.

Healthcare Myths, Python Hunting, Hmong Stories.Top of Mind with Julie Rose. BYUradio. Podcast.

Home aquarium hobbyists are helping save 30 rare fish from extinction.NewScientist. Issue 3251. International.

The hidden ark: How a grassroots initiative can help save fish from extinction.Phys.org, ScienceDaily, Eurasia Review. Eco Magazine, SciTech Daily. International.

No Such Thing As Mission Impossible For Slugs: Episode 267.No Such Thing as a Fish. Podcast.

The Aussie slug that can superglue its predators for days.University News. Australia.

Insect Filth and Bloody Messes with Evelyn From The Internets!SciShow. YouTube.

L’arme préférée de la limace à triangle rouge? Son mucus.Le Monde. France.

Etana liimaa vihollisensa puuhun kiinni.Tiede. Finland.

This Bizarre Australian Slug Has Such Sticky Slime, It Can ‘Superglue’ Its Enemies.ScienceAlert. International.

Vild forsvarsmekanisme: Snegl fanger rovdyr i ‘superlim’ i flere dage.Videnskab. Denmark.

Слизни намертво приклеивают хищных лягушек к веткам.ВЕСТИ Наука. Russia.

Australiassa elää etanalaji, joka liimaa vihollisensa pysyvästi puuhun kiinni.Helsingin Sanomat. Finland.

The superglue slug and other amazing animal defenders.BBC. International

Красный треугольник намертво приклеил лягушку к ветке.N+1. Russia.

Slime-fighting slug can superglue enemy frogs to trees for days.NewScientist. Issue 3218. International.


Croaking Science: Creating new pond habitats for amphibians; Is there a disease threat?Froglife. International

Disease and food availability in created habitats may affect frog reproduction.UON University News. Australia.

Frog reproduction in created ponds may be affected by disease and food availability.ScienceDaily. International.

iDiv publications


Schulte, Lea, Quoss, Luise, Comer, Patrick J., Lumbierres, Maria, Oceguera Conchas, Emmanuel, Pereira, Henrique M., Valdez, Jose W.

(2024): Identifying critical vegetation types for biodiversity conservation in the Americas. Global Ecology and Conservation

Valdez, Jose W., Castro Vergara, Lucía, Orihuela, Gabriela, Fernandez, Miguel

(2024): Overcoming the Tropical Andes publication divide: Insights from local researchers on challenges and solutions. PLOS ONE

Gould, John, Valdez, Jose W.

(2024): Stuck on you: Wind-dispersed seeds attach to the external surfaces of a tree frog. Ethology

Junker, Jessica, Quoss, Luise, Valdez, Jose, Arandjelovic, Mimi, Barrie, Abdulai, Campbell, Geneviève, Heinicke, Stefanie, Humle, Tatyana, Kouakou, Célestin Y., Kühl, Hjalmar S., Ordaz-Németh, Isabel, Pereira, Henrique M., Rainer, Helga, Refisch, Johannes, Sonter, Laura, Sop, Tenekwetche

(2024): Threat of mining to African great apes. Science Advances

Capinha, César, Ceia-Hasse, Ana, de-Miguel, Sergio, Vila-Viçosa, Carlos, Porto, Miguel, Jarić, Ivan, Tiago, Patricia, Fernández, Néstor, Valdez, Jose, McCallum, Ian, Pereira, Henrique Miguel

(2024): Using citizen science data for predicting the timing of ecological phenomena across regions. BioScience

Gould, John, Valdez, Jose W.

(2023): A little on the nose: A mosquito targets the nostrils of tree frogs for a blood meal. Ethology

Valdez, J. W., Callaghan, C. T., Junker, J., Purvis, A., Hill, S. L. L., Pereira, H. M.

(2023): The undetectability of global biodiversity trends using local species richness. Ecography

Holz, H., Segar, J., Valdez, J. and Staude, I. R.

(2022): Assessing extinction risk across the geographic ranges of plant species in Europe. PLANTS, PEOPLE, PLANET

Gould, J., García, L. F., Valdez, J. W.

(2022): Dunking for droplets: Long-jawed spider (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) bungees on silk line to collect water droplet from pond using its mouthparts. Ethology

Gould, J., Valdez, J. W.

(2022): The Gollum Effect: The Issue of Research Opportunity Guarding in Academia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

Gould, J., García, L. F., Valdez, J. W.

(2022): Water webbing: Long-jawed spider (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) produces webs that touch the surface of ephemeral waterbodies. Ethology

Gould, J., Valdez, J. W.

(2021): Dating on your level: assortative mating based on body condition in an amphibian. Ethology Ecology & Evolution

Klop-Toker, K. L., Valdez, J. W., Stockwell, M. P., Fardell, L., Clulow, S., Clulow, J., Mahony, M. J.

(2021): Improving breed-and-release programmes in the face of a threatening pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems

J. Gould, J. W. Valdez

(2021): Locomotion with a twist: Aquatic beetle walks upside down on the underside of the water's surface. Ethology

J. Gould, J. W. Valdez

(2021): Terrestrial slug uses a vertical bridge of mucus to descend rapidly from heights. Austral Ecology

J. W. Valdez

(2021): Using Google Trends to Determine Current, Past, and Future Trends in the Reptile Pet Trade. Animals

J. W. Valdez, J. Gould, J. I. Garnham

(2021): Global assessment of artificial habitat use by amphibian species. Biological Conservation

W. D. Helenbrook, J. W. Valdez

(2021): Species distribution and conservation assessment of the black-headed night monkey (Aotus nigriceps): a species of Least Concern that faces widespread anthropogenic threats. Primates

J. W. Valdez, A. K. Brunbjerg, C. Fløjgaard, L. Dalby, K. K. Clausen, M. Pärtel, N. Pfeifer, M. Hollaus, M. H. Wimmer, R. Ejrnæs, J. E. Moeslund

(): J. W. Valdez, A. K. Brunbjerg, C. Fløjgaard, L. Dalby, K. K. Clausen, M. Pärtel, N. Pfeifer, M. Hollaus, M. H. Wimmer, R. Ejrnæs, J. E. Moeslund. Fungal Ecology
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