German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)

Data access

Phenological data

The phenological data collected as part of PhenObs can be accessed via the iDiv data repository. The use of the data is subject to the current version of the data policy. You can find an overview on the species that are monitored in the specific gardens here.
Access-restricted datasets can be made available upon request ("Data Request Form"). When PhenObs data are used, regardless of whether on request or as open access, the data users are obliged to give appropriate credit to PhenObs, a standardised wording for the acknowledgments is offered below. Furthermore, core publications must be cited.


Explore the data

Visit the iDiv's PlantHub website to get first insights into the PhenObs data. Here the data can be processed graphically and simple analyses can be carried out.





After accessing the database please click on "Primary data" to download the phenological data. If the data are relevant for the main message and tables or figures of a publication, co-authorships should be offered to the data owners:

Volume 2019
Volume 2020
Volume 2021
Volume 2022

Available on Request

Functional traits

Measurements of a variety of plant functional traits  (e.g. plant height, SLA, LDMC, stomatal traits, seed traits) taken in the botanical gardens can be provided upon request.

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