Supervision Agreement

All yDiv doctoral researchers have to fill out the individual supervision agreement with their main supervisor. The signed document must be sent to the yDiv coordination office. Individual agreements are documented and kept between the doctoral researcher and the supervisor. They are not shared with yDiv. Individual agreements should be revisited during the annual appraisal interview and as needed.

PhD Advisory Committee

In addition to the main supervisor, yDiv doctoral researchers are co-supervised and mentored by the PhD Advisory Committees (PAC). The aim of the PAC is to support the doctoral researcher in his or her project and career planning.

If you have any questions regarding the PAC process, or if you have any problems with your supervisor or PAC, please do not hesitate to contact the yDiv administration team.

Requirements and Tasks PAC members



  • All members of the PAC team should be active researchers and hold a PhD degree
  • At least two PAC members should belong to different iDiv research groups

PAC Members’ Tasks

  • Attend the PAC meetings and serve as personal contact for individual advise
  • Monitor the doctoral researcher’s work progress
  • Advise doctoral researcher regarding the development of their research project
  • Help in building the doctoral researcher’s professional network
  • Assist the doctoral researcher in aspects of career planning

Doctoral researchers’ Tasks

  • Convene the PAC and organise the meetings
  • Report about progress of the PhD project (i.e. milestones, publications, delays)
  • Prepare PAC documents (project plan and progress reports) and sends them to the PAC and the yDiv coordination

Understanding the PAC Process


Form a PAC with your main supervisor within three months after joining yDiv. The supervision agreement must be signed by all supervisors and submitted to the yDiv coordinator.


After you have formed your PAC, you invite them and the yDiv coordinator to the initial “kick-off” meeting to discuss your project plan. Before this meeting you prepare the project plan document and send it to your PAC members.


After the kick-off meeting, convene your PAC for annual progress meetings (or as needed). For those meetings you prepare the progress report.

Schedule of PAC Meetings at yDiv


Information for Supervisors

Good supervision and mentorship are key to a successful PhD and postdoc phase. To support iDiv supervisors in their tasks and responsibilities, yDiv has compiled information on supervision guidelines, training opportunities, and communication tools. Supervisors will also find contacts to find support in challenging supervision situations.

Supervision Guidelines
Effective Communication
Conflicts or Challenging Situations

Supervision and PAC Documents