Upcoming Events
Seminar talks by the MyDiv Experiment
12.02.2025 13:00 – 14:00
Leipzig Core Centre – Beehive
Johanna Pausch, Professor for Agroecology and Director of Bayreuth Center for Stable Isotope Research in Ecology and Biogeochemistry (BayCenSI) at University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth (Germany)
Title: Contribution of mycorrhizal fungal necromass to soil organic matter fractions
Marion Schrumpf, Leader of the research group Soil Biogeochemistry at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) and iDiv Member, Jena (Germany)
Title: How the interplay of soil mineral, plant and microbial composition drives the formation and stability of mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils
iDiv Info hour
19.02.2025 13:00 – 14:00
Seminar talk by Leonardo Oña, University of Osnabrück
26.02.2025 13:00 – 14:00
Leipzig core centre – Pollen (Ground floor)
Leonardo Oña, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Ecology, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück (Germany)
Title: Microbial Cross-Feeding: Evolutionary Drivers and Ecological Dynamics
sCREATE 1 working group meeting
03.03.2025 09:00 – 06.03.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sMacrobehaviour 1 working group meeting
03.03.2025 09:00 – 06.03.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sConsume 2 working group meeting
17.03.2025 09:00 – 21.03.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sRealBioFun 1 working group meeting
07.04.2025 09:00 – 10.04.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sRED 1 working group meeting
05.05.2025 09:00 – 09.05.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sPectra 2 working group meeting
12.05.2025 09:00 – 16.05.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sMacrosS 1 working group meeting
19.05.2025 09:00 – 22.05.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sBombus 2 working group meeting
16.06.2025 09:00 – 20.06.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sNEXT 1 working group meeting
23.06.2025 09:00 – 27.06.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sFutures 2 working group meeting
07.07.2025 09:00 – 11.07.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sTREND 1 working group meeting
08.07.2025 09:00 – 11.07.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
sTime 2 working group meeting
10.11.2025 09:00 – 14.11.2025 15:00
Puschstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig