12.04.2022 | Biodiversität und Mensch, Medienmitteilung, TOP NEWS

How healthy are our streams?

<em>Caddisfly larva</em> (Picture: Julia von Gönner)

Caddisfly larva (Picture: Julia von Gönner)

<em>Volunteers taking samples during the first measuring campaign in 2021</em> (Picture: Lilian Neuer)

Volunteers taking samples during the first measuring campaign in 2021 (Picture: Lilian Neuer)

<em>During a training, volunteers learn to identify the different insect species under the microscope .</em> (Picture: Lilian Neuer)

During a training, volunteers learn to identify the different insect species under the microscope . (Picture: Lilian Neuer)

<em>Measuring campaign in 2021</em> (Picture: Lilian Neuer)

Measuring campaign in 2021 (Picture: Lilian Neuer)

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Nationwide measurement campaign of the citizen science project FLOW starts


This media release is only available in German.



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