Joint Synthesis Centre Meeting International Joint Synthesis Centre Meeting

First meeting: 26.-30.01.2015

At the last meeting hosted by sDiv, the Joint Synthesis Consortium, informally founded 1.5 years ago, took a step forward to work and collaborate even closer together. JSC envisions an expanding network that meets the growing need for synthesis research in all corners of the globe and facilitates the participation of stakeholders from the public, private and community sectors. ISC will work together in the upcoming years trying to foster global efforts to tackle grand challenges in science by collaborations across centres as well as with policy relevant initiatives. As rather formality Alison Specht (former ACEAS), Frank Davis (NCEAS), Andrew Campbell (TERN/ACEAS) and Marten Winter (sDiv) will serve as secretaries/contact persons of the consortium.

Jill Baron (John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis); Pamela Bishop (The University of Tennessee); James Boyd (SESYNC); Helge Bruelheide (University of Halle/Saale); Andrew Campbell (Charles Darwin University; Frank Davis (University of California); Volker Grimm (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ); David Hawthorne (University of Maryland); Colleen Jonsson (The University of Tennessee); Jonathan Kramer (University of Maryland); Thomas Meagher (University of St Andrews); Margaret Palmer (University of Maryland); Robert Paxton (University of Halle/Saale); Claire Salomon (CESAB); Alison Specht (University of Queensland); Diego Steinaker (CIEE); Nils Chr. Stenseth (CEES); Todd Vision (NESCent); Marten Winter (iDiv)



Stephanie E. Hampton, Benjamin S. Halpern, et al. (2017) Best Practices for Virtual Participation in Meetings: Experiencesfrom Synthesis Centers. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. See here

Jill S. Baron, Alison Specht, et al. (2017) Synthesis Centers as Critical Research Infrastructure. BioScience bix053. See here