News Archive 2023

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Declines in insect numbers are largely driven by losses of more abundant species  › more

15.12.2023 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People, Biodiversity Synthesis, Media Release

Final vote of the EU Parliament in 2024  › more

15.12.2023 | TOP NEWS, Media Release

New study on the link between biodiversity and climate  › more

13.12.2023 | iDiv Members, Experimental Interaction Ecology, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Report of an Expert Working Group outlines policy recommendations to develop broader transformative policies for human, animal, and ecosystem health  › more

07.12.2023 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release

Study reveals natural solution to mitigate effects of climate change  › more

06.12.2023 | Research, iDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Halle, Jena and Leipzig are three of the top six German universities in the field of ecology  › more

04.12.2023 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Eight iDiv members named Highly Cited Researchers  › more

15.11.2023 | TOP NEWS

How authors’ personal circumstances influence the depiction of nature in their works  › more

13.11.2023 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Doctoral researchers will investigate sustainable concepts for the use of natural common goods  › more

13.11.2023 | Biodiversity Economics, TOP NEWS, Media Release, iDiv

A new approach to co-designing biodiversity indicators  › more

03.11.2023 | Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS

Surprisingly far-reaching impacts of light pollution  › more

30.10.2023 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Theory in Biodiversity Science

Data published on social media platforms can improve knowledge about species distribution and inform conservation planning  › more

27.10.2023 | iDiv, Research, Biodiversity and People, Media Release, TOP NEWS

DFG to fund Research Unit  › more

10.10.2023 | TOP NEWS, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology

New study published in Science Advances  › more

09.10.2023 | Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, iDiv Members, TOP NEWS

Immediate protection measures are required to safeguard invertebrate communities and critical ecosystem services.  › more

26.09.2023 | iDiv, Media Release, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS

iDiv's researchers1 are concerned about the already precarious working conditions in German academia and are alarmed that the proposed changes to the WissZeitVG will exacerbate this.The WissZeitVG is…  › more

08.09.2023 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

The body sizes of organisms around the world are becoming smaller over time, especially among fish, with important implications for food webs and humans.  › more

08.09.2023 | Research, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Synthesis, iDiv

Species observations have unveiled a potentially universal pattern  › more

04.09.2023 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release, Biodiversity Synthesis

Report by Léonard El-Hokayem, doctoral student at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle. Decreasing rainfall and…  › more

01.09.2023 | iDiv, TOP NEWS

A new interconnected system to monitor biodiversity around the world is urgently needed to direct and focus conservation action.  › more

25.08.2023 | Media Release, iDiv, TOP NEWS

New study reveals that over 1000 vascular plants in Nigeria may be undescribed.  › more

23.08.2023 | Media Release, Research, TOP NEWS, iDiv, iDiv Members

Retention of dead biomass by plants likely to serve function in carbon and nutrient cycling  › more

15.08.2023 | Media Release, TOP NEWS

Researchers record large-scale shift in photosynthesis activity for the first time  › more

08.08.2023 | TOP NEWS, sDiv, Media Release

International research team compares form and function of island and mainland plants  › more

12.07.2023 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Novel framework allows for a more effective management of soils as carbon sinks  › more

15.06.2023 | Experimental Interaction Ecology, Media Release, TOP NEWS

Habitat diversity can mitigate effects of climate change on insects  › more

26.04.2023 | Research, iDiv, TOP NEWS, Theory in Biodiversity Science, Media Release

Over 300 guests from politics, science and civil society  › more

20.04.2023 | TOP NEWS, iDiv, Media Release

New study suggests fragmentation and climate warming could disadvantage large animals due to their limited traveling speeds  › more

19.04.2023 | Theory in Biodiversity Science, Research, Media Release, TOP NEWS, iDiv

Research project "MetaChange" will be funded with almost 2.5 million euros over the next five years  › more

30.03.2023 | iDiv, Biodiversity Synthesis, Media Release, TOP NEWS
Dr. Marten Winter congratulating Dr. Steven Bachmann (Picture: Carolin Kögler)

On 15 March 2023 sDiv - the synthesis centre of iDiv welcomed its 2500th participant at an sDiv working group meeting. The lucky one was Dr. Steven Bachman who travelled from the Royal Botanic…  › more

20.03.2023 | iDiv, sDiv, TOP NEWS

More widely distributed species benefit from anthropogenic changes  › more

20.03.2023 | iDiv, Biodiversity Synthesis, TOP NEWS, Research, Media Release

Under long-term fisheries management, evolutionary change, that has resulted in smaller maturation sizes, can be reversed profitably.  › more

16.03.2023 | Research, iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity Economics

The effects of climate change on the Earth’s vegetation depend to a large degree on local conditions  › more

09.03.2023 | Media Release, iDiv Members, MLU News, Research, TOP NEWS

Higher extinction rates of insular mammals after arrival of modern human  › more

09.03.2023 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release, Biodiversity Synthesis

New study reveals that living roots are as important as dead leaves in sustaining tropical soil biodiversity  › more

07.03.2023 | TOP NEWS, Media Release

NaturaConnect Stakeholder Event in Brussels brings over 70 leading EU policy and governmental decision-makers  › more

01.03.2023 | TOP NEWS, Biodiversity Conservation, Media Release

Study finds that current monitoring data may be far too incomplete and deficient to provide a precise global picture of local biodiversity richness trends  › more

10.02.2023 | Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Specialised foraging skills could have made the essential difference  › more

09.02.2023 | Physiological Diversity, Media Release, TOP NEWS, Molecular Interaction Ecology

Even many years after being abandoned, plant diversity of former agricultural sites is still incomplete compared to undisturbed sites  › more

07.02.2023 | Biodiversity Synthesis, Physiological Diversity, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Researchers propose to consider insects in the expansion and new designation of protected areas  › more

01.02.2023 | Media Release, TOP NEWS, Biodiversity and People

iDiv invited to a parliamentary evening in Berlin to discuss possible action  › more

17.01.2023 | iDiv, TOP NEWS, Media Release

Biodiversity–stability relationships strengthen over time in a long-term grassland experiment  › more

13.01.2023 | Media Release, iDiv, Experimental Interaction Ecology, Research, TOP NEWS

The complex relationships between plants and their pollinators have changed dramatically across the last century.  › more

03.01.2023 | Media Release, UFZ News, TOP NEWS, Species Interaction Ecology

European project started to assess ecological restoration through rewilding  › more

02.01.2023 | Biodiversity Conservation, TOP NEWS
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