03.09.2018 | TOP NEWS, iDiv

Butterflies and earthworms - guided tour at the Botanical Garden Halle

The first part of the tour will be on butterflies, the topic of the second part will be earthworms (photos: le: Susanne Jutzeler/pixabay, ri: Andy Murray).

The first part of the tour will be on butterflies, the second part on earthworms (photos: le: Susanne Jutzeler/pixabay, ri: Andy Murray).

The exhibition "Garten findet Stadt" at the Botanical Garden of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is an initiative of the iDiv research centre (photo: Sebastian Jaehn/iDiv).

The exhibition "Garten findet Stadt" at the Botanical Garden of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg is an initiative of the iDiv research centre (photo: Sebastian Jaehn/iDiv).

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Side event of the exhibiton „Garten findet Stadt“ on Saturday, 08 September

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