06.12.2016 | TOP NEWS, Research

Paper about symbiosis between fungi and trees is awarded with the Prix La Recherche 2016

sDiv invited the „Mycorrhiza Genome Initiative (MGI)“ to a workshop at iDiv in July 2013. Photo: Carolin Kögler/ iDiv

sDiv invited the „Mycorrhiza Genome Initiative (MGI)“ to a workshop at iDiv in July 2013. Photo: Carolin Kögler/ iDiv

„Prix La Recherche 2016“. Photo: UFZ

„Prix La Recherche 2016“. Photo: UFZ

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Paris. A publication about the symbiosis between fungi and trees has been awarded with the prize of the popular French magazine "La Recherche". Once a year, the magazine awards prizes to ten research teams for outstanding international publications. The "Prix La Recherche 2016" in the category of environmental sciences went to an article published in 2015 in the journal "Nature Genetics". Among the authors are iDiv co-director Prof. François Buscot and his colleagues Dr. Sylvie Herrmann and PD Dr. Mika Tarkka from the UFZ Department of Soil Ecology. Within the international research consortium, they were responsible for sequencing the complete genome of a fungus. In addition, in 2013 they hosted a workshop with the international author team in Leipzig. The workshop was organized by sDiv, the synthesis center of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). Read more in German: https://www.idiv.de/de/news/news_single_view/news_article/paper-about.htmlPublication (iDiv researchers in bold):
Annegret Kohler, Alan Kuo, Laszlo G Nagy, Emmanuelle Morin, Kerrie W Barry, Francois Buscot, Björn Canbäck, Cindy Choi, Nicolas Cichocki, Alicia Clum, Jan Colpaert, Alex Copeland, Mauricio D Costa, Jeanne Doré, Dimitrios Floudas, Gilles Gay, Mariangela Girlanda, Bernard Henrissat, Sylvie Herrmann, Jaqueline Hess, Nils Högberg, Tomas Johansson, Hassine-Radhouane Khouja, Kurt LaButti, Urs Lahrmann, Anthony Levasseur, Erika A Lindquist, Anna Lipzen, Roland Marmeisse, Elena Martino, Claude Murat, Chew Y Ngan, Uwe Nehls, Jonathan M Plett, Anne Pringle, Robin A Ohm, Silvia Perotto, Robert Riley, Francois Rineau, Joske Ruytinx, Asaf Salamov, Firoz Shah, Hui Sun, Mika Tarkka, Andrew Tritt, Claire Veneault-Fourrey, Alga Zuccaro, Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative Consortium, Anders Tunlid, Igor V Grigoriev, David S Hibbett & Francis Martin (2015):Convergent losses of decay mechanisms and rapid turnover of symbiosis genes in mycorrhizal mutualists. Nature Genetics, Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1038/ng.3223 www.nature.com/doifinder/10.1038/ng.3223
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