Individuelles Karrierecoaching

yDiv bietet Einzelcoachings an, um deine individuelle Karriereentwicklung zu fördern und eine externe Perspektive auf deine Karrierepläne und Arbeitssituation zu erhalten.

Hinweis: Dieses Angebot ist exklusiv für Mitglieder der yDiv Graduiertenschule und des iDiv Postdoc Programms. Dieses Angebot kann nicht von Externen genutzt werden.

Die externen Coaches bieten Unterstützung bei spezifischen und individuellen Karrierefragen, z.B. Karriere innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft, Kompetenzanalyse, Arbeiten im Ausland, Feedback zu Bewerbungsunterlagen, Selbstmanagement oder Supervision und Führung. Die konkreten Themen und Ziele des Coachings werden gemeinsam mit dem Coach festgelegt. Die Treffen finden online statt.

Was ist Coaching?

Coaching ist eine Form der Beratung, die individuell auf die Ziele und Bedarfe der Coachees (=Coaching-Teilnehmer) abgestimmt wird. Dabei gibt der Coach nicht einfach Lösungen vor, sondern erarbeitet gemeinsam mit dem Coachee Lösungsansätze in strukturierten Gesprächen. Der Coach begleitet und unterstützt den Coachee dabei, diese Ansätze zu reflektieren und umzusetzen. Die individuelle Leistungsfähigkeit und eine gesunde Arbeitsweise werden damit gefördert.

Unser Coachingangebot zielt auf die Besonderheiten und Herausforderungen des Arbeitens in der Wissenschaft sowie der persönlichen Karriereentwicklung ab.

Alle unsere Coaches haben langjährige Erfahrung in Coaching und Beratung und eine zertifizierte Coachingausbildung absolviert.

So funktioniert es

Wähle einen Coach aus der untenstehenden Liste, der deinen Bedürfnissen am besten entspricht.

Wende dich an die yDiv-Koordination, um dich anzumelden und benenne den Coach.

yDiv informiert den Coach über deine Anmeldung. Der Coach wird dich kontaktieren, um einen Online-Termin zu vereinbaren.

Die erste Sitzung dauert 30 Minuten und konzentriert sich auf das gegenseitige Kennenlernen und die Festlegung der Themen und Ziele für das Coaching. Sollten dennoch während des Coachings Probleme oder Zweifel aufkommen, kontaktiere bitte yDiv.

Weitere Treffen mit dem Coach vereinbarst du individuell (bis zu 4 Stunden werden durch yDiv finanziert).

Wenn du das Coaching darüber hinaus fortsetzen möchtest, kannst du weitere Treffen mit dem Coach auf Selbstzahlerbasis buchen (eigene Vereinbarung). In begründeten Fällen kann yDiv in gewissem Umfang weitere Sitzungen finanzieren. Kontaktiere yDiv für mehr Informationen.



Dr Nadine Binder

Field of expertise

  • Identifying strengths, competences, goals, and values
  • Time and self-management
  • Life-work balance and healthy boundaries
  • Dealing with stress
  • Dealing with self-doubt, anxiety & pressure to perform
  • Conflict management
  • Career coaching: career orientation & decision-making, with a focus on careers outside academia
  • Dealing with diversity, leading international teams
  • Intercultural coaching, living and working in Germany
  • Coaching women in science

Nadine Binder is a coach, facilitator, and lecturer specialized in mental health awareness and well-being, stress management and resilience, psychological safety and work culture, Personal Leadership and personality development, time- and self-management, intercultural communication and intercultural competencies, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB). Since having completed her PhD in psychology, she has started working with doctoral and early career researchers to support their personality development, self- and stress-management skills, and resilience. She is a certified trainer, trained Co-Active coach, and Senior Facilitator of Personal Leadership. Website

Coaching in German and English

Dr Alexander Egeling

Field of Expertise

  • Individual strengths
  • Networking
  • Self-marketing
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Time and project management
  • Conflict management

Alexander Egeling studied and worked at universities as well as in the industry abroad, e.g. in Germany, Australia, and Canada. He is a certified professional coach and has over 10 years of experience working with young professionals, especially from the academic sector. Website (in German only)

Coaching in German and English







Dr Dorothee Kaiser

Field of expertise

  • Career Coaching inside and outside of Academia
  • Leadership in Science
  • Women in Leadership
  • Leading diverse and international teams
  • Team Building and Team Management
  • Work-Life-Balance
  • Conflict Management
  • Self and Time Management

Dorothee Kaiser is a multilingual and certified Business and Career coach who supports executives and leaders in corporate and academic contexts. Combining her long experience abroad with her academic background as a linguist, she works playfully and effectively with her clients on leadership and career challenges with a strong focus on solution and activating resources. She develops new perspectives with creative methods and uses different tools and approaches depending on the individual needs of the client. Results of her work are more clarity in the leadership role, a stronger self-confidence and more transparency in processes and structures. Besides her work as coach and facilitator, she teaches Intercultural Management at ESB Business School, Reutlingen University. Website

Coaching in German, English, Spanish and French

Dr Iris Köhler

Field of expertise

  • Career paths in science and outside
  • Career exploration
  • Networking and positioning
  • Competence-based career counseling including analysis of competences based on the scientifically evaluated Kompetenzenbilanz® method
  • Life goals and values
  • Feedback on application documents

Iris Köhler is a certified career coach and trainer and experienced scientist. She studied agricultural sciences at the Technical University of Munich and received her doctorate there in 2013. After a postdoctoral stay in the United States (2014–2016), she switched to science management and coordinated the graduate school of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig (2017–2019). In 2018, she founded her own coaching and training company “The Scientist Coach”. She knows the challenges that doctoral researchers are facing when it comes to career planning and enjoys helping them to develop their own career path - in or outside academia. Website

Coaching in German and English

Dr Kerstin Mauth

Field of expertise

  • Career development inside and outside of academia
  • Leadership skills for young leaders in academia
  • Self-leadership and personal development
  • Following through
  • Building resilience
  • Stress management
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Imposter syndrome

Kerstin Mauth is a coach, facilitator, and trainer specialized in leadership, self-leadership, mental health, stress management, mindfulness, and psychological safety. She is a certified coach, mindful leadership trainer, and psychological safety consultant and has 20+ years of work experience in the academic system. Her work is inspired by bringing out the best in people. She is deeply convinced that every person wants to make a contribution and strives to fully unfold their potential. In her work, she supports people to discover what has meaning for them and to take consistent and authentic action towards it. Every person has their own answers and she considers it her job to help them see these answers clearly – especially in times of challenge, doubt or uncertainty. In her coaching and workshops, she creates a trustful space that invites people to explore, practice and discuss new insights and learnings in different areas of professional development. People walk away with a sense of confidence, optimism and empowerment. Website

Coaching in German, English and Dutch

Dr Katia Vlachos

Field of expertise

  • Compatibility of career and family
  • Career abroad
  • Settling-in phase and dealing with challenges
  • Life goals and values
  • Self-presentation
  • Career outside of academia
  • Mobile and digital working


Katia Vlachos is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, supporting her globally mobile clients as they navigate transitions, including international moves, career change, reinvention and identity issues, and design a thriving life abroad. Katia is also the author of A Great Move: Surviving and Thriving in Your Expat Assignment (LID Publishing, 2018). She’s a researcher and policy analyst by training, with a Master’s from the Harvard Kennedy School and a Ph.D. from the RAND Corporation. A Greek by birth, and an expat for the past 25 years, she has lived in 8 cities, 7 countries and 3 continents – so far.Website

Coaching in English

Dr Matthias Schwarzkopf

Field of expertise

  • Planning a career in science
  • Job search and planning of non-scientific careers
  • Positioning
  • Applications for jobs
  • Feedback on application documents
  • Compatibility of work and family life
  • Strengths/weaknesses analysis

Specialising in the field of universities and public service, Matthias Schwarzkopf offers further education and coaching especially for professors and managers at universities, for young scientists and for students. He offers all topics that are necessary for a career in science and work in the university sector. Since 2015, he has been exclusively working as a freelance coach, trainer and moderator. Website

Coaching in German and English


Additional coaching offers for iDiv Senior Scientists and Junior Research Group Leaders

Dr Irene Nagel-Jachmann

Field of expertise

  • Leading with and without being in charge
  • Female leadership
  • Creating a vision of yourself as a leader
  • Leading diverse teams
  • Team building, motivation, values, and culture
  • Communication in conflict situations
  • Personal development
  • Work-life integration, self and time management

Dr. Irene Nagel-Jachmann is a psychologist with international work experience as scientist, lecturer and science manager. As a trainer (hfp consulting) and systemic coach (Institut für systemische Beratung Wiesloch) she specializes on working with scientific leaders and is a member of the science coaching network 'Coachingnetz Wissenschaft‘. In her coaching Irene Nagel supports her clients in a deep yet playful process leading to a greater understanding of self and others, and to clarity of ways forward by building on the resources of each individual and context. Website

Coaching in German and English

Dr Silke Oehrlein-Karpi

Field of expertise (selection)

  • Individual career strategies on the pathway toward academic independence
  • Self-presentation & visibility
  • Individual network approaches
  • Micropolitics & committee work
  • Self-confidence - Overcoming perfectionism & impostor-self-concept
  • Management responsibilities
  • Personality-oriented leadership styles
  • Supervision of master & PhD students
  • Handling of conflicts & crises


Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi has been working as a coach and a trainer for scientists since 2008. Before becoming a coach, she led a project group for the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 490 at the JGU Mainz. During those 10 years she worked as a biologist in the field of medical basic research and gained a lot of experience in setting up and successfully leading scientific projects. In terms of her current work, she uses her longterm “insider knowledge” combined with her resource-oriented and diversity-related coaching perspective on individuals. She is a member of the Coachingnetz Wissenschaft e.V. Her group coaching workshops inspire, motivate and empower the participants in order to improve their confidence and assertiveness regarding upcoming work situations and projects. Website

Coaching in German and English

Ulrike Krumrey
Postdoctoral Programme Coordinator 

Room: A.00.19
Phone: +49 341 9733267

Dr Nicole Sachmerda-Schulz
Graduate School Coordinator

Room: A.00.19
Phone: +49 341 9733125


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