sMile: Synthesising plant Metabolomics into biodiversity, Life history & Ecology

Virtual meeting: 09.- 13.11.2020

Tom Walker
Franziska Schrodt

iDiv member:
Nicole van Dam

Project summary:
Metabolism underpins physiology, is the interface through which plants interact with their environment and represents the pool of molecular mechanisms through which evolutionary and ecological processes shape plant biodiversity. Despite this, measurements of plant metabolism remain largely absent from ecologists’ toolkits. sMiLE will synthesise a dataset describing the metabolisms of approximately 1000 tropical and temperate plant species to develop the conceptual, technical and data frameworks needed to place plant metabolism at the heart of ecological and biodiversity research.

Jake Alexander (ETH Zurich); Pierre-Marie Allard (University of Geneva); Oliver Baines (University of Nottingham); Virginie Baldy (Aix-Marseille University); Richard Bardgett (The University of Manchester); Pol Capdevila (University of Bristol); Lissy Coley (University of Utah); Maria Jose Endara (Universidad tecnológica Indoamérica); Emmanuel Defossez (Institut de biologie); Dale Forrister (University of Utah); Vincent Jassey (CNRS); Sue Marr (Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry); Steffen Neumann (IPB Halle); Josep Penuelas (CREAF-CSIC); Kristian Peters (IPB Halle); Yvonne Pöschl-Grau (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena); Sergio Rasmann (University of Neuchâtel); Roberto Salguero-Gomez (University of Oxford); Franziska Schrodt (University of Nottingham); Meredith Schuman (University of Zurich); Axel Touw (German Centre for integrative Biodiveristy Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig); Henriette Uthe (German Centre for integrative Biodiveristy Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig); Nicole van Dam (German Centre for integrative Biodiveristy Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig); Thomas Walker (ETH Zürich)

Meeting report

First meeting: 25.-29.10.2021

In person participants:
Virginie Baldy (Aix-Marseille University); Emmanuel Defossez (Institut de Biologie); Maria Jose Endara (Universidad tecnológica Indoamérica); Catherine Fernandez (Aix Marseille Université - IMBE); Dale Forrister (University of Utah); Kristian Peters (IPB Halle); Franziska Schrodt (University of Nottingham); Brian Sedio (University of Texas at Austin); Abrianna Soule (Michigan State University); Axel Touw (German Centre for integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig); Nicole van Dam (German Centre for integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig); Thomas Walker (ETH Zürich); Wolfram Weckwerth (Molecular Systems Biology (MOSYS), Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology and Vienna Metabolomics Center (VIME)); Josep Penuelas(CREAF-CSIC); Jordi Sardans (CREAF-CSIC) 

Remote participants:
Pierre-Marie Allard (University of Geneva); Oliver Baines (University of Nottingham); Pol Capdevila (University of Bristol); Lissy Coley (University of Utah); Bruno David (Pierre FABRE Research Institute); Vincent Jassey (CNRS); Kyo Bin Kang (Sookmyung Women's University); Sue Marr (Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry); Luis Quiros-Guerrero (Université de Geneve); Sergio Rasmann (University of Neuchâtel); Roberto Salguero-Gomez (University of Oxford); Meredith Schuman (University of Zurich); Henriette Uthe (German Centre for integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig)

Meeting report

Second meeting: 04.-08.07.2022

In person participants:
Nicole van Dam (iDiv/MLU); Dale Forrister (University of Utah); Sue Marr (IPB Halle); Franziska Schrodt (University of Nottingham); Thomas Walker (Université de Neuchâtel); Henriette Uthe (iDiv); Yvonne Pöschl-Grau (iDiv)

Remote participants:
María-José Endara (Universidad de las Américas); Brian Sedio (University of Texas at Austin); Abrianma Soule (University of Michigan); Kristian Peters (iDiv/MLU)

Meeting report

Third meeting: 23.-27.10.2023

In person participants:
Dale Forrister (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute), Susanne Marr (TU Ilmenau), Steffen Neumann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry), Kristian Peters (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry), Amelie Saunier (Aix-Marseille University), Franziska Schrodt (University of Nottingham), Meredith Christine Schuman (University of Zurich Faculty of Science), Brian Sedio (University of Texas, Austin), Abrianna Soule (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor), Axel Touw (Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops), Henriette Uthe (iDiv, Friedrich Schiller University Jena), Nicole van Dam (Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops), Tom Walker (University of Neuchâtel)

Remote participants:
Oliver Baines (Aarhus University), Virginie Baldy (Aix-Marseille University), Maria José (Universidad de las Americas), Catherine Fernandez (Aix-Marseille University), Vincent Jassey (LEFE, UMR 5245 CNRS), Josep Penuelas (CREAF-CSIC)

Meeting Report


Walker, T.W.N., Alexander, J.M., Allard, P.-M., Baines, O., Baldy, V., Bardgett, R.D., Capdevila, P., Coley, P.D., David, B., Defossez, E., Endara, M.-J., Ernst, M., Fernandez, C., Forrister, D., Gargallo-Garriga, A., Jassey, V.E.J., Marr, S., Neumann, S., Pellissier, L., Peñuelas, J., Peters, K., Rasmann, S., Roessner, U., Sardans, J., Schrodt, F., Schuman, M.C., Soule, A., Uthe, H., Weckwerth, W., Wolfender, J.-L., van Dam, N.M. & Salguero-Gómez, R. (2022) Functional Traits 2.0: The power of the metabolome for ecology. Journal of Ecology, 110, 4-20. See here

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