Call for Flexpool postdoc and PhD projects 2024


The main purpose of those Flexpool calls is to instigate innovative research projects that integrate across the wide expertise within the iDiv community and increase the visibility of iDiv’s integrative character across all member institutions. Successful projects should specifically focus on topics integrating within and across the five research areas (RAs): Biodiversity Change, Biodiversity and Complexity, Molecular Biodiversity and Adaptation, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning and Biodiversity and Society.

At first glance:

  • Available positions:: up to 7  Postdoc positions and up to 7 PhD positions (contingent to availability of resources)
  • Components of the call: Eligibility, selection criteria, submission process, evaluation, transparency and feedback, funding, monitoring, submission and deadlines
  • Applicants: Full iDiv members. Members who have received Flexpool staff-funding in the Flexpool PhD call of 2020, or the PD calls of 2022 or 2023 as main PI are encouraged to refrain from applying, but are encouraged to participate as co-applicants (co-PIs). The main PI needs to have an appointment at one of the iDiv partner institutions that lasts at least 2 years from the start of the postdoctoral researcher. Members may submit only one project proposal as main PI in this call or the Postdoc call, which is released at the same time.
  • Co-applicants: iDiv members including iDiv core professors and iDiv researchers as well as external scientists heavily involved in the development of the proposal (including successful project PIs in the previous flexpool calls)
  • Selection criteria: Scientific quality (50%), Integration (50%)
  • Flexpool Evaluation Committee: Science Strategy Board (SSB) members and their deputies not included as main PI in any of the proposals. If needed, additional members or other scientists will be consulted to provide expertise.


The PostDoc call  includes salary (100%, E 13) for one PostDoc position for up to 2 years starting from 01 January 2025, consumables, travel and publication costs. Consumables must be specified and are expected not to exceed a budget of 10 k€ peryear. Exceptions must be well-justified, but approval cannot be guaranteed.

The PhD call includes salary (65%, E 13) for one PhD position for 3 (+1) years starting from 01 January 2025, consumables, travel and publication costs. Consumables must be specified and are expected not to exceed a budget of 10 k€ peryear. Exceptions must be well-justified, but approval cannot be guaranteed.

Deadlines and important dates:

Obligatory letter of intent submission deadline:02 June 2024 
Proposal submission deadline: 23 June 2024
Reviews & funding recommendation by the evaluation committee: until 24 July 2024
SSB approval:     7 August 2024
Advertising positions:   starting from 01 September 2024
Application deadline for candidates:   until 04 October 2024
Candidate selection:           until 11 November 2024
Project start:   starting from 01 January 2025


A Letter of Intent shall be sent to the Scientific Networks unit ( prior to a planned proposal submission no later than 02 June  11:59 p.m. CET. Please use only the Word document provided as template.

Proposals shall be sent to the Scientific Networks unit ( as a single PDF-file no later than23 June 2023 11:59 p.m. CEST. When submitting your proposal, please use only the Word documents provided as template. All documents mentioned in those calls are available on the iDiv website. For further information, please contact Scientific Networks unit.

Full-length PDF-version of the PhD call and PD Call to download.

Word template for Letter of Intent for PhD Call and for PD Call to download.

Word template for proposals for PhD Call and for PD Call to download.

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