sMars: Synthesis of movement across scales: towards a process-based prediction of biodiversity patterns
First meeting: 16.-20.05.2022
iDiv member:
Carsten Meyer
Project summary:
Movement is the key process driving species interactions, community composition, and ultimately biodiversity patterns across scales. However, the geographic scale of biodiversity research does not necessarily match the scale at which animals move and interact. Thus, we aim to compile a general movement database and develop an empirically informed unified concept of spatial scale that accounts for the differences in how species experience their spatial environment. We will synthesize this concept with modelling approaches to predict biodiversity patterns and change.
In person participants:
Rajadita Das (iDiv); Alexander Dyer (iDiv); Nina Gerber (University of Goettingen); Myriam Hirt (iDiv); Carsten Meyer (iDiv); Remo Ryser (iDiv); Marlee Tucker (Radboud University, Australia); Kate Wootton (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Remote participant:
Myles Menz (James Cook University, Australia)
Second meeting: 13.-17.05.2023
In person participants:
Emilio Berti (iDiv), Alexander Dyer (iDiv), Myriam Hirt (iDiv), Carsten Meyer (iDiv), Remo Ryser (iDiv), Caitlin Wilkinson (German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)), Marlee Tucker (Radboud University), Kate Wootton (University of Canterbury)
Remote participants:
Myles Menz (James Cook University)
Third meeting: 13.-17.05.2024
In person participants:
Myles Menz (James Cook University, Australia), Caitlin Wilkinson (iDiv), Alexander Dyer (iDiv), Myriam Hirt (iDiv), Carsten Meyer (iDiv), Remo Ryser (iDiv), Marlee Tucker (Radboud University, Australia),
Remote participant:
Kate Wootton (University of Colorado, Boulder)