Improving habitat opportunities for birds in arable- and grassland in Germany

Two Conservation Schemes

Within the framework of the EU project “Conservation of Birds in Agricultural Landscapes”, a total of 20 bird conservation schemes (bundles of measures) were developed in 10 Member States. A participatory approach was followed, which in Germany included two national workshops, interviews, repeated exchanges with several experts and stakeholders and the collection of comments.  The two German Conservation Schemes focus on one target species each, namely lapwing and partridge, in the two agricultural systems arable land and grassland.


Online event (in German): Release and discussion of the two Conservation Schemes, 09.02.2023, 15:30-17:00

The event is available on YouTube here (in German).

Presentation of the project and the schemes here (PDF) (Aletta Bonn, Guy Pe'er, Judith Rakowski)

Presentation of implementation possibilities: an example from Thuringia here (PDF) (H. Baumbach)

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