
I will occasionally post vacancy announcements for both Postdocs and Doctoral Students affiliated with projects funded via my lab budget. If you are interested in joining the lab, please email me with a brief description of your research interests and including a copy of your tabular CV. Please note, though, that I am unfortunately not able to provide any funding outside of the posted vacancies.

However, I am interested in supporting your applications for outside funding if your proposed topics fall within the thematic scope of my lab's Research Fields. See below for more detailed advice for prospective Postdocs, Doctoral and Master students.

...for Post-Docs

I am interested in initiating collaborations with postdocs. I encourage postdocs to explore funding options via iDiv’s excellent sDiv postdoctoral fellowship program or via external fellowships, such as DAAD, Humboldt or DFG. Please contact me with ideas and we can discuss further options. Please get in touch with sufficient time in advance to enable an early dialogue about joint interests and possible assistance with the proposal writing.

...for Doctoral Students

I am accepting applications for PhD students for the vacancy announcements that I post. Multiple fellowship options also exist for environmentally, economics or land-use focused topics, as well as more general options via party-affiliated or churchly foundations, as well as other governmental and non-governmental sources depending on your interests. Please get in touch sufficiently early.

...for Master Students

I am always looking for motivated Master students who are interested in working on independent projects or would like to get involved with the lab’s research. If you are interested in doing your thesis research in the lab, please get in touch with sufficient time in advance to produce a proposal and apply for field work or other funding (if necessary). 


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