yDiv retreat 2020 - Wissenschaft & Kunst

Das Thema des diesjährigen Retreats ist Wissenschaft & Kunst. Mehr Informationen hierzu gibt es auf der englischen Website.



Bild: Macke, August, Paar zwischen den Allegorien von Wissenschaft und Kunst, aufeinander zueilent, Amor in den Wolken, 1904


For a more detailed schedule please check the retreat agenda here (PDF).

24 September, 5 - 6:30 pm

Keynote Talk: Endangered Species: The Loss of Biodiversity and the Cultural Landscape

Dr Ingeborg Reichle
25 September, 9 am - 5 pm

The workshops on 25 September are running parallel! Please chose your favourite when you register.

1st Workshop: Sciences and Arts

The aim of the workshop is to develop a project outline for a format at the interface of art and science. The main focus will be on approaching suitable cooperation partners, planning documentation, acquiring funding, presentation (exhibition, book, website, etc.) and personnel planning. The participants draft concepts on which feedback is then given in divided roles. The participants each take on the role of a scientist, artist, organiser or visitor and assess the presented concepts for originality, validity and feasibility.

Enrique Torres, Marie Niederleithinger


2nd Workshop: Visualizations for Science

The participants will get an introduction into the concept of sketchnoting as well as the wide range of applications for it. We will be training the development of a personal visual vocab list and will be taking home the very same. With artistic examples we will have a further look on how visual tools can become illustrations or infographs. Through little exercises we will attempt on thinking like a designer to apply "a bit of art on science" to make it look more interesting but underlining the important facts.

Franziska Schwarz, SciVisTo

26 September, 9:30 - 11 am

Presentations by the workshop groups

All groups

Date and venue

The yDiv retreat 2021 is taking place from 24-26 September 2021.

We will be hosted by the Konrad-Martin-Haus in Bad Kösen. You will stay in single rooms.

As Bad Kösen is well accessible with public transport, we are going to travel by train. As always, all costs of accommodation and travel are taken over by yDiv. Associated PhDs are of course welcome, but will have to account for their stay themselves.


Unfortunately, the registration has already closed. Please contact the yDiv team (yDiv@idiv.de) to inquire for free places.

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