Dr. Sandeep Sharma



Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


Puschstraße 4
04103 Leipzig

Raum: B.02.19


iDiv Publikationen

Publikationen 2024

Akash, Muntasir, Debbarma, Haris, Ahmed, Sultan, Chowdhury, Amarta Galib, Zakir, Tania, Sarafat, Khondokar Newaz M. D., Sharma, Sandeep (2024): Assessing the conservation status of and challenges facing Asiatic black bears and Malayan sun bears in Bangladesh. Oryx

Valdez, Jose, Damasceno, Gabriella, Oh, Rachel R. Y., Quintero Uribe, Laura Catalina, Barajas Barbosa, Martha Paola, Amado, Talita Ferreira, Schmidt, Chloé, Fernandez, Miguel, Sharma, Sandeep (2024): Strategies for advancing inclusive biodiversity research through equitable practices and collective responsibility. Conservation Biology

Publikationen 2023

Dhendup, Tashi, Sharma, Sandeep, Painter, Sally, Whiteley, Andrew R., Mills, L. Scott (2023): Evidence of tiger population structure and dispersal in the montane conservation landscape of Bhutan. Global Ecology and Conservation

Dutta, Trishna, Sharma, Sandeep, Meyer, Ninon F. V., Larroque, Jeremy, Balkenho, Niko (2023): Correction: An overview of computational tools for preparing, constructing and using resistance surfaces in connectivity research. Landscape Ecology

Publikationen 2022

Dutta, Trishna, Sharma, Sandeep, Meyer, Ninon F. V., Larroque, Jeremy, Balkenhol, Niko (2022): An overview of computational tools for preparing, constructing and using resistance surfaces in connectivity research. Landscape Ecology

Proctor, Michael F., Garshelis, David L., Thatte, Prachi, Steinmetz, Robert, Crudge, Brian, McLellan, Bruce N., McShea, William J., Ngoprasert, Dusit, Nawaz, M. Ali, Te Wong, Siew, Sharma, Sandeep, Fuller, Angela K., Dharaiya, Nishith, Pigeon, Karine E., Fredriksson, Gabriella, Wang, Dajun, Li, Sheng, Hwang, Mei-hsiu (2022): Review of field methods for monitoring Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation

Schoen, Jay M., Neelakantan, Amrita, Cushman, Samuel A., Dutta, Trishna, Habib, Bilal, Jhala, Yadvendradev V., Mondal, Indranil, Ramakrishnan, Uma, Reddy, P. Anuradha, Saini, Swati, Sharma, Sandeep, Thatte, Prachi, Yumnam, Bibek, DeFries, Ruth (2022): Synthesizing habitat connectivity analyses of a globally important human-dominated tiger-conservation landscape. Conservation Biology

Sharma, Sandeep, Chee-Yoong, Woo, Kannan, Adrian, Rama Rao, Suganiya, Abdul-Patah, Pazil, Ratnayeke, Shyamala (2022): Identification of three Asian otter species (Aonyx cinereus, Lutra sumatrana, and Lutrogale perspicillata) using a novel noninvasive PCR-RFLP analysis. Ecology and Evolution