Diego Brizuela-Torres



Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ


iDiv Publikationen

Publikationen 2024

Ellssel, Pierre, Küstner, Georg, Kaczorowska-Dolowy, Magdalena, Vázquez, Eduardo, Di Bene, Claudia, Li, Honghong, Brizuela-Torres, Diego, Elangovan Vennila, Elansurya, Vicente-Vicente, José Luis, Avila-Ortega, Daniel Itzamna (2024): Building a solid foundation: advancing evidence synthesis in agri-food systems science. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems

Publikationen 2023

Brizuela-Torres, Diego, Villavicencio-Garcia, R., Ruiz-Corral, J. A., Cuervo-Robayo, A. P. (2023): Effects of climate change on the potential distribution of a dominant, widely distributed oak species, Quercus candicans, in Mexico. Atmosfera


DeForESG – Deforestation explained by social-ecological dynamics and governance shifts