14-15 November 2024
Leipziger KUBUS
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ
Permoserstraße 15 | 04318 Leipzig
Dear iDiv scientists,
We are pleased to invite you to the 8th iDiv conference, which will take place as a fully in-person event at the Leipziger KUBUS on 14 and 15 November in Leipzig. This event brings together idiv scientists from all locations and scientists across all career stages. The conference provides an interactive forum for scientific exchange with colleagues you know well, and an opportunity to establish new contacts and collaborations within the iDiv consortium.
The conference will consist of a keynote speaker, oral and poster presentations that are organized into iDiv’s research areas, workshops, and lots of informal time for networking at our numerous coffee breaks and reception on Thursday evening.
This year’s contributions to the conference will be structured according to the five iDiv research areas. In addition, there will be a dedicated Flexpool Session for contributions from current iDiv Flexpool projects. With this structure, we aim to facilitate discussions and collaborations across diverse scientific domains within the iDiv community. Members of Flexpool projects, along with other interested participants, will have the opportunity to convene on Friday, 15 November, starting at 2:30 pm, strengthening connections within the iDiv Flexpool and the iDiv community.
To promote junior researchers, the conference committee aims to include designated student research talks in each session. Furthermore, there will be awards for the best poster and talk presented by Master or doctoral researchers.
We hope to welcome you in November at the conference!
Yours, on behalf of the iDiv Conference Organising Committee,
Nadja Rüger, Walter Durka
Conference Chairs
This year’s Conference Organising Committee
Maria Méndez, Robert Rauschkolb, Christoph Rosche, Henriette Uthe
Event coordination
Kati Kietzmann, Ronja Wodner